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Annabeth spent the day training in her room. She stretched, brushed up on her marital arts. All of it.

But as the sun set, she got ready.

Golden curls fell to frame her face, the lightest amounts of makeup just to make her eyes and lips pop. She surveyed herself in the mirror, the black clothes she always wore. A cropped black tank top, the plunging neckline cut so her runes weren't visible but so that no one gave her much thought. The tight black jeans with the jeweled buttons and high waist, and the leather jacket she had covering her arms.

Arms covered in runes for everything you could imagine.

The heels of her boots, low cut with zippers up the sides, made no noise as she walked to her bedroom door. She had weapons, but like all Shadowhunters, she could summon them as she wished. Though, the ones she couldn't, the mortal daggers she carried everywhere she went, were tucked into hidden pockets in the inside of her jacket.

A small silver necklace rest against her collar bones, the charm a small owl with black eyes.

Something that was a symbol of her family line.

The owl.

Each of her mother's line had an owl on them at all times. Hers was in the form a necklace, her mother preferred the hair clip method.

Before she opened the door, to go see if Percy was ready yet, a knock sounded. Annabeth opened the door slowly, peering out.

Only to find Percy leaning against her door frame. His black hair was tussled and messy, like he had just been rolling in the sheets with someone and not bothered to find a comb, falling just to touch his brow. His green eyes took her in, from head to tow in one long sweeping glance.

She took his measure too.

A black t-shirt, tight fitted to show off the powerful muscles on his arms and chest, low hanging jeans with a metal studded belt, and laced up boots. His arms would have showed traces of rune scars, if it weren't for the black hoodie he wore.

His green eyes glittered in the dim lighting of the hall. "Well, hello there." His lips, pink and soft looking, twisted into his smirk. The smirk he no doubt always wore. "Ready to prowl the night?" He whispered, as if it was their own little secret. Shivers laced up her spine, but she just smirked back.

"As always." She whispered with equal softness, leaning forward just a bit. Percy's smirk widened into a grin, and he held out his arm.

"Ladies first." His voice was soft and teasing, like a wolf circling a doe. But when Annabeth walked out in front of him, letting the grace and stealth that had been pounded into her show, she let him know there was a mountain cat wearing its skin instead.


The club's music pounded through his head, trying to invade his thoughts. Yet, he drowned it out, focusing on the job at hand.

Today he was to make contact with an old warlock friend of his. She was around here somewhere, and since this was a Downworlders' club she wouldn't be out of place. As Percy scanned the crowed he kept one eye on the blonde he had brought with him.

He didn't know why he had done it, couldn't explain it. He always worked alone. Always.

But something . . . pulled him, low in his gut when he met her. Something told him, as if whispering in his ear, 'watch her'. He didn't know if it was good or bad, but he wasn't letting her out of his sight.

That's when he felt a coy tug at his arm. Like a wire had wrapped around his wrist and someone was on the other end, trying to reel him in. Percy let the tug lead him, all the way into a corner of the club.

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