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Hazel eyed the Shadowhunter in front of her. Annabeth didn't back down, not letting her chin dip one millimeter. She had met High Warlocks before.

The High Warlock of Los Angeles was a man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. His name was Will and his Warlock Mark was a cat like tail, as blonde as his curls. One of the many friends she had to leave behind when she moved here.

"Nice to meet you." Annabeth nodded. "I know another High Warlock, I don't know if you know of a Will Solace?" Hazel's eyes flared, a smile spreading over her face.

"Oh I know him." She purred, leaning closer. "He's been after my brother for ages." At Annabeth's raised eyebrow Hazel sighed. "Not real brother, but he might as well be, his name is Nico Di Angelo. A Vampire who runs all of Queen's population of the Night's Children." Her smile was sweet but playful. "Will has been looking . . . for a good bite you could say?" Her laugh was like bells in the wind.

"But enough about those two." Hazel made Percy scoot down the bench and pointed for Annabeth to sit down beside her. "Tell me about yourself. I want to hear from the source instead of having to go around your back like I had to do with Percy." She shot a glare to the man beside Annabeth, but it was playful and full of brotherly love.

"I'm sorry," Annabeth held in her smile at Percy's pout. "there's not much to tell."

"Playing hard to get," Hazel mused, holding onto Annabeth's arm and smiling. "I like a challenge." She winked and leaned back, letting Frank wrap an arm around her waist. "Well in that case, how about I tell you guys the information I have?"

Hazel explained about how a group of Vampires that were tired with Nico, seemed to be talking about gaining some other worldly help. That all she knew was rumors, that her brother had been tense, yet unwilling to talk about it because of "how stubborn he always is." Percy and Annabeth left with a few goodbyes and headed back to the Institute.

When they got back Annabeth headed straight for her room. Percy followed her, stopping her before she closed the door. He grinned, "How did you like Hazel?"

Annabeth sighed. "She seemed very kind, especially for a Warlock. However she can . . ." She trailed off.

"Be a bit much?" He supplied.

"Exactly." Annabeth chuckled. She yawned, waved goodnight and went to change. As she got ready she thought about her home.

All the friends she had left behind, all the enemies.

Her Shadowhunter friends, Jason, Thalia, Reyna, Piper . . . Luke. Annabeth's body locked up as she thought of sandy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Hands like sandpaper gripping her shoulders-


Not the time.

Never the time.

Annabeth set her brush down, looking into her vanity mirror. She wondered what her friends made of her sudden move. What would they say if they knew the truth.

She thought of Jason and Piper together, they were so happy. Had always been able to do that, love freely. She wondered if she had just been born without a heart. But then . . . How could she love them all? She loved Piper, Jason, Thalia, Reyna . . .

She growled as she stood up, pacing around like a lion on the hunt.

Think of anything else-anything!

Black hair. Green eyes. A taunting smirk.

Okay anything but that!

Annabeth fell down on her bed, trying to keep her thoughts at bay. That had always been a problem, keeping her mind from racing around and round. And when she couldn't think of anything else, those same blue eyes playing in her head.

She wondered if her friends would connect Luke's new scar to her finger nails. If they would know without her telling them. Luke was another top class Shadowhunter. One of Annabeth's friends since childhood.

But apparently he wanted to be much more than friends, and hadn't taken no as an answer. She had pried him off before anything happened but . . . she still heard his laugh, saw his teeth flashing as he tried to pin her down.

Annabeth ran into the bathroom, emptying her stomach of whatever she had managed to eat that day.

She heard a knock at her door, but her retching kept her from answering or even calling out.

She barely remembered hearing the door squeak open and feet pad into her bathroom. Or the calloused hands pulling her hair back and tying it up. Rubbing circles on her back, giving her water to drink. Then scooping her up and placing her into soft sheets, pulling blankets up around her. Turning the lights off.

Closing the door.

Only when she woke up in the morning did she wonder who had helped her.

But as she cleaned herself up and went to go train in the ring, she saw Percy look her over then nod to himself.

The man came up to her. "Hey, there's a few more friends you should meet of mine. I'll take you to them tonight, they're Fairies but I know where we can find them." His smirk was still in place, and Annabeth wondered if he ever wore a shirt to workout in.

"Fine, what are their names?" She crossed her arms.

"Leo Valdez and Calypso Atlas."

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