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Slipping through the crowd, Annabeth kept a lazy smile on her face and a glint to her eyes.

Percy was trailing after her, holding onto her hand as she dragged him to the dance floor. They brushed past Jason and Piper and Percy leaned toward Jason to tell him exactly what to do. He had used the signals, but the couple dancing wouldn't of been able to see it.

Annabeth tugged on Percy's hand and he turned to her with his lopsided smile.

They worked their way toward the wall, making sure Ethan wasn't aware of them doing so.

Percy looped his finger through Annabeth's belt lop and wrapped his arm around her waist as he swaggered toward Ethan. "Follow my lead." He whispered, kissing her temple. She nodded and smiled up at him.

"Ethan!" Percy called out, smirking all the way as he swaggered up. "Play dumb, he doesn't like females." He whispered to Annabeth, she giggled, going full dumb-blonde-mode. Percy didn't like that shit at all, but it was nessacary.

Ethan blinked, or maybe winked?

He waved to Percy and grinned. Percy stopped in front of him and grinned back. "How are you? Haven't seen you in awhile." He said, Annabeth was clinging to his arm and smiling.

"I've been busy." He shrugged, sneering at Annabeth who was seemingly transfixed with looking at Percy. "What about you, I've heard you're going after the Vampires." He shot a look at Nico in the corner, eyes alight with anger.

"Yeah . . . " Percy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've heard you have a vendetta against them, want to help out?" Ethan grinned again, nodding. "Great," Percy jerked her chin, "follow me and I'll explain the plan."

He followed the couple into a back room used for all sorts of meetings.

Percy sat down in the right booth, Annabeth propped on his lap her chin tilted back as she ran her hands through his hair. Ethan sat in the opposite booth, only looking at Percy as he grinned.

"So?" Ethan had a rune for flexibility on his neck, Percy had the same rune on his forearm. So many things made them similar, but so many more made them different. And the look Ethan threw at Annabeth, as if she would have done better to just leave, made tricking him so much easier.

"We move on the Vampires next to closing." He peeked out of the curtain separating them from the rest of the club, a dark purple cloth strung across the narrow door way. "Why do you hate them so much?" He asked, bored and causal.

Ethan was so lost to an old and unending rage that he didn't notice the two figures moving in front of the curtain.

"Those blood suckers took my mother from me, then my girlfriend." His fist clenched and his mouth went from a sneer to a snarl. "They all deserve to be staked in my opinion. So, I came to watch."

Percy shook his head, sighing. Annabeth slid off his lap, standing up and blocking the doorway from Ethan. "That is exactly the wrong answer." Ethan went on high alert, a blade already in his hand. Neither Percy nor Annabeth bothered to summon a weapon. "I know why you did it, but I don't know how." Percy crossed his legs and rest his arms on the back of the seat.

"What do you mean?" Ethan was still playing dumb. But he was way too tense to be innocent.

"I mean, no offence, but you aren't smart enough for to have pulled this off on your own." Percy yawned, and Annabeth nodded her agreement. "So, who gave you the idea?" He leaned forward on his knees and glared. "Just answer and I might not throw you in the custody of the Silent Brothers."

Ethan paled, his visible eye twitched. "I didn't do anything."

Percy chuckled and shook his head, standing up and clicking his tongue as he frowned. "You really are too stupid to have come up with it." He sighed. "However, one of you is better than none of you and I'm sure you'll talk once you've spent a night in the Bone City's cells."

"Maybe we could give him to Nico?" Annabeth mused, cocking her head to the side as she stared him down. "That seems like it would work." Her voice was light, casual, but the hard light of her eyes was terrifying to anyone but Percy. No, for him it only made him want to grin.

He didn't grin though, opting for a little smirk and arrogant posture.

Ethan gritted his teeth, his hands shaking as he made his blade disappear. "Fine." He stood up, Percy towering over him by at least three inches. "But I worked alone, I got the idea from someone but they didn't know anything about it."

Annabeth doubted that, it was likely someone who wanted someone else doing their dirty work. They settled for that, however, and hauled him out. Percy gave Annabeth the pleasure of cuffing him and dragging him out of the club.

Mission accomplished.

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