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Percy and Annabeth had decided to take a break, they had been pouring over ideas and files-trying to find a clue as to who would be crazy enough to be doing this.

They got nothing. Annabeth had said it was something they would have to set up a mission for, if they wanted to get anywhere. Percy had agreed and said they could think about it after lunch.

And that's how they were starting down the sidewalk, the sun burning down, and Mundanes passing them without noticing.

Just as they turned the corner, onto a street that was a little less crowed, Annabeth got tackled.

Percy whirled, blade already in hand, but paused as he saw the scene before him.

Annabeth had been tackled by two females, they seemed to both be crying and shouting fragments of sentences. One had black hair, spiked up and punk-ish, and a silver jacket on. The other had brown hair, braids here and there and feathers clipped amongst them.

Annabeth's face was blocked from his view, but he heard a laugh that he knew was hers.

The two girls bolted up, glaring at Annabeth now. "Explain!" They both snapped.

Four others sauntered up, Percy scanned them before he took a step away from Annabeth. Making sure they weren't a threat. They seemed to mark the look he gave them, how he didn't particularly like having to take a step back from Annabeth.

One was a blonde male, his blue eyes sparked an electric blue, Shadowhunter by his clothing and the runes peeking over his collar. The female next to him had black hair and dark eyes, her posture was more ridge than the man beside her, and the rune on her neck said she was a Shadowhunter. Beside her, was a male with curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He had a cat's tail swishing out from under his long tailcoat. Warlock then.

The last male, Percy already didn't like. His sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes were arrogant and not the fake kind Percy always held up as a mask. He stood with his back straight, shoulders back, and chin high, but Percy made sure to point out he was taller. Percy easily fixed his posture and gained two inches on the blonde, smirking the whole time.

The sneer he sent Percy's way only solidified his dislike for him.

"Why are you all here?" He heard Annabeth laugh as she was pulled up by the two females that had first jumped her. She was smiling until her eyes landed on the last guy. Then her smile cracked, turned faked. Percy swaggered over to her side, brushing his hand against hers in comfort, oh, he really didn't like this guy.

The girl with the silver jacket spoke first. "Because you up and left, with nothing but a note saying you were going to spend time in New York!" Annabeth winced, and Percy brushed his knuckles against hers again. God, why couldn't he stop touching her? "So explain!"

"First, everyone, this is Percy." She motioned to Percy with her right hand, and he saluted them all with a smirk. "I've been helping him with a mission since I got here." He bit back the snort threatening to some out of his nose. "Percy, this is Thalia, Piper, Jason, Reyna, Will, and-" Her voice caught, barely there but enough that Percy slide a fraction of an inch closer to her and between her and the last man. "Luke."

"Nice to meet you," Percy said, slinging his arm over Annabeth's shoulders and angling so she couldn't see Luke. "I'm afraid Wise Girl here, failed to mention we might get a visit from her family, so as you see I'm horribly under prepared. Not even a balloon in sight." Thalia grinned at him, her blue eyes sparking, Jason seemed to wince at the girl. Reyna rolled her eyes, but her lips pulled up against her will. And Luke just kept sneering.

"But, I have heard of you." Percy pointed at Will and smirked. "I could tell you where Nico is, if you don't already know." The grin he got from the Warlock was purely feline.

"I think I have a clue, but could you point me in the right direction after we all catch up?"

"Sure thing." His grin didn't falter, "Nico is so uptight I think he needs a little cat and mouse game." Will threw his head back and laughed, the others trying not to chuckle along with him, except Thalia who roared right along side of the Warlock.

"So, where to now?" Piper asked, crossing her arms over her pink crop top, Jason slid his arm around her waist and smiled at her.

Percy tapped his chin. "Wise Girl and I were about to go get something to eat, want to join?"

"Sure!" Thalia grinned. "While we're there you can tell us all about what you two have been up to." She met Percy's eyes and challenge stood there. This was a female who loved to fight, and could tell just who could give her a run for her money. Excellent.

Annabeth's fake smile stayed in place, as she turned to walk down the sidewalk. However, when Percy kept his arm over her shoulder, squeezing a bit and leaning down to whisper "I don't like this Luke guy." She smiled for real. And that was enough for Percy to start plotting Luke's untimely death.

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