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Percy swaggered out of his room, black T-shirt and jeans on and a silver studded belt low on his hips, a little while after Annabeth left his room.

His usual grin was in place, nothing out of the ordinary.

However, his mask fractured a bit when he saw the glances his way. He was confused, everyone was looking at him with wide eyes-darting between him and whatever they had been doing.

He ran a hand through his hair and fell back into his swaggering steps, heading straight for the girl who could give him answers. The daughter of the Heads of the Institute.

Isabelle Lightwood.

Her black as night hair fell to her shoulders, framing her blue eyes. She swished her hips, clad in black leather pants, and her blue crop top clung to her like a second skin. Percy usually avoided the Gossip Queen, when he could. He was on good terms with her, but she had been trying to claw at him for years.

"Hello there, Isabelle." He purred, looking over her shoulder at the screen she had been observing. "Want to tell me why everyone is so on edge?"

She blinked at him, biting her lip. "Well, we know what day it is." The words clanged through him, hitting every dark and hollowed out space inside him on the way. "And we know what happened last night, who didn't go back to her room until this morning."


They thought they had-

Percy blinked.

He let out a dark chuckle. "I assure you, whatever you think happened, what really went down was far less fun." He grinned, not letting his façade even stumble over what hit him so hard he could barely breath.

The day, what day it was.

He hadn't forgotten, never. But it was pushed to the back of his mind, the forerunner being Annabeth swaggering out of his room. The feel of her in his arms all night.

His stomach turned. Swirling with nausea, guilt eating at his insides until he fought back the urge to puke.

"So, you two didn't . . . " She trailed off with a smirk.

Percy smirked back. "And what a shame that is." He walked away, trying not to run back to his room.

"Hey there Percy, ready to go to find this prick?" His head jolted up and back at the ringing of Annabeth's voice. She had been smiling, but frowned as she peered at him. "What's wrong?" She whispered, closing the distance between them and looking into his eyes, as if they held all the answers she needed.

"Um . . . " Words failed him as he ran a hand through his hair and his eyes darted around. "Nothing, just needed to grab something from my room."

She nodded, smiling again. "Okay then. I'll walk with you since I have to get something anyways." She played it off for the others as they turned and walked back towards their rooms.

Annabeth pushed her way into his room behind him. "Percy, talk to me." Her tank top was simple and black, her jeans were much of the same. Her golden curls were pulled back into a high ponytail, and her grey eyes analyzed Percy as she stalked towards him.

"It's nothing, just . . . " He bit his lip, trying for a smile. "It's nothing."

She stood right in front of him, her face softening as she peered up at him. "I know it's not nothing, I was here last night. You can talk to me."

Percy chuckled, "Sorry you must be this high to unlock my tragic backstory." He raised his hand to just above her head and smirked.

"Percy." She gave him an understanding smile and pulled him by his hands to sit on the edge of the bed. "Come on, talk to me." She pushed a stray curl behind her ear and tilted her head to the side.

"Today," He started, blowing out a huff of air and entwining his hands with hers. "is the day that marks the sixth anniversary of my mother dying." His voice was hollow and cold, his eyes glazing over as the memory over took him. "She um," he cleared his throat. "got over run by a group of demons, while on a basic scouting mission."

Annabeth tightened her hold on his hands.

"I was never allowed to see the scene, though I figured out enough from the reports I stole later on." His voice broke a bit so he cleared his throat again. "And I usually spend this day hunting any demon I can get my hands on."

She nodded, no condemnation or judgement in her grey eyes as she smiled sadly. "I lost my own mother." She started. Percy's head jerked up, blinking. "To a group of rouge Vampires, actually." She chuckled but swallowed a lump that formed in her throat.

"But you still helped with-"

"Because I hunted down those Vampires personally and slaughtered them." She didn't blink. "Because I don't blame the many for the actions of the few. Though your situation with the demons-you can certainly take it out on the many." Her voice simmered with hatred. But Percy only sighed.

Finding someone with the same pain-who knew what it was like.

Was-not amazing, nothing about it could be amazing-but freeing, like his very soul could finally start to heal instead of bleeding out.

Percy had tried to speak with others before, but even Jace wouldn't speak to him about it. He had lost his father, never knew his mother, and found Percy too much of a threat to become friends with. It left a bad taste in Percy's mouth to think about.

"So, if you want to lose yourself in blood and gore today," Annabeth continued, holding their joined hands in her lap. "I will join you. But you won't do it alone." Her eyes swirled like storm clouds, churning and cracking with lightning.

"Let's track down whoever is trying to start shit." Percy swore. "Then, maybe if we have time, kick some Demon ass." He winked and Annabeth smiled.

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