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The other Shadowhunters turned away from him as he walked past. The look on his face must have scared them or something, because none of them asked what he had been doing or why he was on a mission in the day.

Or why he had the new blonde following him.


He didn't feel like answering questions. Especially ones he didn't have an answer to.

He was about to slam his door shut when a hand on his wrist stopped him. Annabeth held the door open with one hand and his wrist with the other. There was no smile on her light pink lips, no shine of intelligence behind her storm cloud eyes.

Only pure determination and cold calculation lining her beautiful face.

"Let's talk this through." Her voice was commanding, no room for argument. So Percy strode into his room and let Annabeth follow him. He flexed his fingers as he faced the far wall and let his thoughts run wild. "Talk, not stand and brood over." She snapped at him.

As if she knew what he was thinking about, what was going through his head.


He turned to her and sneered. "I don't feel like talking."

"Did I ask you what you felt like?" She stalked closer, the heels of her boots making a purposeful clicking noise with every swaggering step. "No, I didn't. I told you to talk this out with me, so we can figure out what the fuck is going on." It was barely more than a hiss, as if she was scared that the walls would report what she said to him to others.

"What the hell am I supposed to say?!" He snapped, flinging out his arms and giving her a hateful grin. "We haven't found out anything new! We are nowhere closer to 'figuring out what the fuck is going on'!" He wasn't shouting but his voice was raised, very near snapping completely.

Annabeth held up her hand, one finger raised above the others. "Ah, but we do know more."

Percy paused. "What the rutting fuck does that mean?"

"It means," She crooned while circling him. "that we know, whoever is saying these things is lying."

"And how do we know that Wise Girl?" He smiled sweetly at her as she ran a fingernail over his shoulder as she passed.

She gave a little laugh. "Because we keep hearing the same story, with no changing details, and no further information."

"Which means this is all coming from the same source." Percy blinked.

"Exactly." She whispered into his ear as she made another circle around him. "And that means it's nothing but a rumor spread by someone who wants to start something."

"They want the Shadowhunters to look into it, to start doubting all of the Vampires, and a way for a fight to break out." His breath hitched as he realized what was happening.

"So, our suspects are-"

"Werewolves or Shadowhunters with a grudge."

"You caught on, I'm surprised." She teased, nicking his jaw with her finger nail. Annabeth pulled back and smiled up at him. "So are you done brooding?"

"Yes." He slid his hands into his jean's pockets. He slid his green eyes to her grey ones. "Where do you suggest we start looking Wise Girl?"

"Do I have to do all the work here?" She rolled her eyes and gave a sigh of exasperation.

Percy stalked closer. "Would you like me to take control of this little operation?" Annabeth picked at her nails and hummed a little. "Would you?"

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