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In the days following their mission, Percy and Annabeth had very little time to themselves. Having questions to answer and things to go over with the authorities.

Finally they were left alone.

Ethan was behind bars, his accomplice was still in the wind but nothing had come up to make them dead-set on finding whoever it was.

Percy sighed as he sat down on his bed, his feet on the floor and head hung over his knees.

He only looked up when light footsteps echoed down the hall then stopped at his door. The blonde leaning on his doorframe had just said goodbye to her friends. They were going back to California, Annabeth had decided to stay in New York. Though apparently a certain blonde Warlock had opted for an extended vacation.

"Hey." She said, the moonlight through the window casting her golden hair in silver.

Percy smiled faintly. "Are you okay?" He knew saying goodbye to long term friends was hard. Though they would be keeping in touch this time, it still stung when you had to part.

She walked towards him, shrugging. An honest gesture, she didn't know how to feel. She wanted to stay in New York, she knew that, but she would miss having them right next to her. "It'll be fine, but it does sting a little." She smiled sadly at him from three feet away.

"I have a Fairy friend named Grover, he and his girlfriend, Juniper, travel all over the country trying to 'heal the earth one Mundane at a time'. So I get it." His smile turned sad, as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair.

The air between them was tense.

There were a lot of things that needed said, and done. They both knew it.

"Annabeth," Percy started, looking at the floor. "I care about you a lot." His heart felt as if it was clawing through his chest, up his throat, just to be able to get out and explain itself. "And I know you might not want a relationship, so," He swallowed a lump in his throat. "if that is not an option, would you maybe consider being my Parabatai?"

He looked up, and the sight of Annabeth smiling with tears rolling down her cheeks wrecked him so completely he couldn't breath.

She bit her lip, blinking slowly.

"I don't want to be Parabatai." Percy felt the words as if she had stabbed him in the gut. Then Annabeth moved forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and straddling his waist. His hands landed on her hips nervously. "I don't want to be Parabatai because they can't do this."

She leaned forward and kissed him lightly. Barely a connection, just their lips brushing up against one another.

"I care about you too." She pulled back to look him in the eyes. Grey to green as always. "I love you." His breathing hitched as she kissed his cheek, smiling.

"I love you." Percy breathed, cupping her chin and blinking. A tear rolled down Annabeth's cheek, and Percy kissed it away.

Annabeth grinned, Percy pushed back further onto the bed. Everything in the world fell away as their mouths met. Nothing mattered but their arms around each other.

They might not be claimed Parabatai, but their hearts beat as one in battle, or any other time. They had a bond deeper than most, two wounded souls brought together by chance or fate.

People say that you can never fall in love at first sight. They say that love takes years to form, and even then it is a fragile thing.

This is not true. Love is the strongest thing in the world. People start wars, tear themselves to shreds, just for the chance of love. Those that are lucky enough to find true love, never let it go, and nothing can break that apart.

Marriage is until death do us part. Parabatai follow much of the same rules.

But love follows you into the space between the stars, for all eternity.

So hold on my friends, because it might not be a smooth ride.

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