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Annabeth was waiting out in the main lobby for Percy. Her grey V-neck and black cropped hoodie hid most of her runes. The only one that peeked out was the edge of her Angel Mark.

Her laced up boots gave her about two inches, and her black skinny jeans gave her enough room for her belt of Seraph daggers, and her mundane dagger strapped to her thigh. Her curls were pulled back into a pony tail but she had left two curls to frame her face.

It was as much detail as she'd let herself have to her hair.

As she scanned the screen in front of her, different maps and charts pulled up, she felt the eyes of the others on her. The only ones she had talked to here were Percy and Maryse, none of the others even bothered to say hello.

Though, she supposed she hadn't bothered either.

Annabeth was about to snap at a particularly nosey blonde boy when Percy swaggered in.

He snagged everyone's attention as he stretched and yawned. His dark blue shirt rode up to show just a slice of skin above the top of his exposed boxers. His light jeans were slung low on his hips but they hung there without a belt. His black hoodie was casually over his shoulder held by one finger.

Annabeth rolled her eyes as she went back to the screen, catching a glimpse of a male with black hair and blue eyes, eyeing Percy. So he attracts all people. Fantastic.

Percy pulled on his hoodie and yawned again, a wisp of hair swayed over his brow with the movement of air. He let his arm drape over Annabeth's shoulders as he leaned forward to scan the screen. "You ready to go?" His voice was still scratchy and husky from sleep, and it took all of Annabeth's will power to not demand he speak more.

"I've been ready, you lazy ass." She rolled her eyes for good measure. Percy chuckled, and Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek. God, his morning voice was . . . Damn. He yawned again and shook out his hair.

"Let's go, the brothers are waiting." He kept his arm around her as he steered her out.

Once on the street he was more alert, weaving around the Mundanes that couldn't see them. But he kept yawning.

"Percy, did you sleep last night?" She hadn't heard any noise from his room, so what could have kept him up?

"A little." A yawn. "But it's okay I'll just draw an energy rune." And he was true to his word, taking his steele out of his hoodie pocket and pulled up his hoodie sleeve. He must have memorized the rune because he didn't even look down as they kept walking.

Annabeth frowned, making a note to make him a sleep aiding tea. "Are you going to tell me why we're going to see two werewolves, when you said yourself you've already asked the head of the main pack here?" It was an honest question.

"Because the two we are going to see, have more underground information than their Alfa because Frank is an honorable man and these two find that honor simply means don't be too big of an asshat." Percy's eyes cleared up a bit as the rune took affect. "They're good guys, just . . . annoying."

"Good to know. What are they're names?" Annabeth mused as she walked closely to Percy's side.

"Travis and Connor Stoll." He explained while turning to another street. "They practically live at this local magic shop. Especially since their dad owns it." And as he said that, Annabeth saw what he meant.

The magic shop was a one stop shop for all pranks and practical jokes. A trickster's heaven.

And the two brothers at the counter could have been twins. Brown curly hair and brown eyes, the same crooked smile and straight nose. Sort of impish and mischievous.

"Percy!" They cried together, grins spreading wide. "We've missed you, where have you been?" they talked at the same time, and in perfect sync leaned forward on both arms.

"Finding demons and getting information." Percy smirked leaning on the counter and letting Annabeth trail around the store. The boys watched her with narrowed eyes. "Oh her? She's just new to town. Don't worry." The boys relaxed immediately. They must look up to Percy greatly to do that.

Most likely very young then.

"So what can we do for you?" The taller one said, his grin widening. "We know you've spoken with Frank, so why do you want us?" His brown eyes scanned Percy, and Annabeth glared in warning. "And tell us a little more about your new guard dog."

"First, you can tell me all you know about the rumors of the Children of the Night." He picked up a deck of cards and flipped through them. "I spoke to Frank, yes, but you two have a different sort of information." He snapped them together and fanned them wide. "And trust me when I say, her bite is much worse than yours." His green eyes flashed as he set the cards down and the boys both looked at him.

"We know a little. Not much, you know how much we hate their kind." The shorter one growled out.

"Connor." Percy snapped. So the short one was Connor.

"Fine, Percy. We only know so much though." He pleaded, eyes wide. The look of hurt on his face was evident. Like a pupil that was sorry for pissing off the teacher. "Perce, we only know that a group of them is separating. We don't know who or where or why beside that they don't like Nico."

"He's right, Perce. We don't know." Travis placed a hand on his brother's back.

"Fine, you two." Percy sighed and smiled softly at the boys. "I'm not mad, just haven't slept great for a few days." He pat them on the shoulder and turned away. "See you guys later, contact me if you have any more info."

"Will do Percy." They called back.

Annabeth followed Percy out of the little shop, just as confused as she had entered it.

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