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Classes weren't fun. At all actually. Aparently the killing of Flashlight Man went viral since the orchard is close to the college. My locker had murder written on it in red. My seat in the animation lab had the word killer as the wallpaper. I was called murder. People even threw notes at me that said don't deny the truth, you killed him.

I walked back to the dorm. Turns out my dorm door was covered with post-it notes that all said murder. Sighing I unlocked the dorm and slammed the door behind me. I threw my bag onto the floor and went over to my bed.

I layed on my side on the bed.

I then began to cry.

Thank God my roommate wasn't here.

I cried for about 2 minutes before I heard noises from the kitchen area. "Hello? I didn't think you were home yet..." I perked up when I heard what sounded like pots and pans moving around. I walked over to the kitchen, but only the pot and pan cabinet was open. "Weird..." I closed the cabinet door and went back to my bed.

Once I got back to my bed and lied down, I heard the fridge door open. I walked back to the kitchen to find the door wide open. "Hey, roomie this isn't funny..." I shouted, slamming the fridge door closed.

Once I turned to walk back around, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I whipped around to see who did it, but nobody was there.

I looked around the kitchen once more. When my gaze traveled to the fridge door, the alphabet magnets were being rearranged. But there wasn't anyone in here... I did have an eerie feeling in here. Then a sudden gust of cold air rushed through me. The letters on the fridge rearranged into the word: "paint". I was definitely in shock. "Well hey yeah thanks for very descriptive sign!" I spat with sarcasm. Yeah I knew it was some spirit but now was not the time. "Hey I'll have you know, I've been called murder all day! I don't have time for your bullsh*t!" I yelled. The letters started moving again. They spelled out: "flashlight". "I don't have a flashlight in here! If I did I don't know where it would be." I sat on the counter across from the fridge with my arms crossed.

But before I knew it, the letters were placed back into their proper places and the eerie feeling went away. My roommate walked in soon after. "Hey Megs. I saw the dorm door... I really don't think you did it, honestly." My roommate said as she walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter beside me. My thoughts were focused on the spirit. The one that stood out felt like paint... PAINT! THAT'S IT! "We need to go to some paint store, NOW!" I jumped off the counter and grabbed my keys. "Whoa whoa whoa slow down Megan!" My roommate followed behind me.

"Explain please?" My roommate asked. "Okay, you probably won't believe me though..." I had my eyes focused on the road. "Just say what happened." My roommate said with an impatient tone. "Okay. I watched the letters on the fridge spell out paint and flashlight. They were moving in their own." I took a swift glance over to my roommate, who was in shock. "You're saying there's some demon in our dorm?!" She shouted. "NO! I'm saying there's a spirit in there, and you better not piss it off." I said sternly as I pulled into the parking lot.

We walked down the asiles till we found the paint. "Spray paint?" My roommate gazed at the selection of spray paints. "No, we need can paint. C'mon." I said as I looked for the asile we needed.

We bought tan paint and a bunch of different brushes. "And you're buying all this because...?" My roommate asked as she handed things into the counter for the cashier. "Because it's a sigh, a sigh from a spirit!" I said with confidence as I loaded bags into the cart. "So you'll do about anything a spirit tells you?" My roommate asked, getting out her wallet. "No. It's a sign. I'm not sure what but it's something." I said as I loaded the last bag into the cart.

"The paint is for the Ouija board." I said, setting the bags of paint on the kitchen counter. "How will we cut that...?" My roommate asked as I pulled the wood out from behind my bed. "Easy, we don't!" I smiled, laying the wood on the floor (where we wouldn't step on it). "Isn't there a plastic part?" My roommate asked, handing me the brushes and paints. "Right... Hey can you go get me white paint and a small square of wood? It should be about this big.." I showed the size I needed with my hands. "Fine." My roommate grabbed her keys and went out.

Once my roommate got back, we both painted the base of the board. I had gotten halfway done while she was out. "Where is this gonna dry?" My roommate asked. Well now that I think the wood is right in the middle of a walkway... Crap. "We leave it here and not step on it." I said with slight hesitation. My roommate jumped over the board to the other side, and then back. "Works just fine." She smiled. "This is gonna stink up the form though..." My roommate took a whiff of the air. She was right... "Here open the kitchen window." My roommate did as I told her. "Now I'm going to need a kitchen knife. Do we have one?" I asked, grabbing the small square of wood and a pencil. I sketched out the planchette. "Oh uh... No we do not... But I do have scissors!" My roommate ran over to her book bag to get scissors out of, which she handed to me. I (somehow) cut the planchette out. "You're going to kill me but I need a like... Stick of wood." I looked at my roommate with pleasing eyes. "Okay ghost hunter." She smirked as the once again grabbed her keys and went out.

"That's the last they had." My roommate handed me the stick of wood. "Perfect! Now what I need you to do is cut off little legs from the stick about this big." I held the size up with my fingers. "Gotcha." My roommate grabbed the scissors and began making legs. "You don't happen to have liquid or hot glue do you...?" I asked with a nervous face. I didn't want her to do all the work. "I do have both but I think liquid glue will work better. It's in my pencil pouch." She pointed to her bag.


This was going good.

And this will be good.

Because I can contact a spirit and maybe without issues.

This isn't just good, this is perfect.

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