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My roommate dragged me by my arm into the car, started the car, sped to the dorm, and closed every window.

"Okay hey can I at least get a few words of explaining?!" I asked for probably the millionth time. "Where's the spirit box?" My roommate urged. "Over in the kitchen, why--." My roommate booted up the box with a loud static, then to a normal sound. "Get the board." My roommate ordered in a stern tone.

We had candles for light, the spirit box running, and an Ouija board. We both had our fingers on the planchette. "เร չ๏չ๏ קгєรєภՇ ђєгє ฬเՇђ ยร Շ๏ภเﻮђՇ?" "Wait what did you say?!" I whisper-shouted to my roommate who shushed me. The planchette moved to yes. My roommate's face flooded with fear. "չ๏չ๏ เร гเﻮђՇ ђєгє..." The spirit box said the same sort of language as my roommate? Was I supposed to be scared right now?! Cause my roommate was a deer in headlights! A cool breeze soon flooded the room. I was now covered in goosebumps (because of the cold of course). My roommate was shivering though.. "Here we can huddle together and maybe it'll get warmer." I wrapped my free arm around the waist of my roommate and pulled her shivering figure close to me. "Megan... Get the god damn camera. The Ouija board can wait."  I bolted up from my seat next to her and quickly set the camera up.

With the camera up nothing happened, at all. The temperature turned normal and we didn't get any answers from the box or Ouija board. "Okay it's calm. Please explain, I'm all ears I swear." I turned my roommate's head to face me and grabbed both of her hands, looking deeply into her eyes. "Okay... You won't tell anyone right? Like swear on your life?" My roommate sounded worried. I nodded my head. "Okay... The moon... When it's like this... When I'm around weird things happen and if I look at it well... That's never a good thing." My roommate averted eye contact. "Could you teach me your language?" I asked, mentally facepalming afterwards. That's totally off topic Megan! Stupid! "Oh uh... Maybe another time I can teach--." My roommate was cut off by the spirit box. "The moon calls you, Zoey." Both of us were silent. "Well that was extremely clear." I remarked.  It didn't help my frightened roommate.

Nothing after that last phrase for awhile. "So can I get this moon thing explained?" I asked. "Think of it like... I'm allergic to the moon." That made more sense. "Oh, okay then." I smiled back. "And I'm not joking Megan, this is all real." Her tone was serious. "I'm aware." I replied, peeking out the certain. "Moon's out still, we might as well sl--." I wa suddenly pushed to the ground and the certains flew open. "Megan!" My roommate cowered in fear with a hand blocking the moon from her sight. "รђ๏ฬ ץ๏ยг ŦยՇยгє ฬเŦє ฬђ๏ ץ๏ย гєคɭɭץ คгє չ๏єץ. ๔๏ภ'Շ ɭєՇ ђєг кภ๏ฬ ץ๏ย Ŧ๏г Շђє ς๏ฬคг๔ ץ๏ย гєคɭɭץ คгє..." The spirit box spoke in my roommate's secret language again." รђє เรภ'Շ ๓ץ ฬเŦє! คภ๔ เ ค๓ ภ๏ ς๏ฬคг๔." My roommate spat back. Yes it might sound dumb to talk to a box but there's something communicating with us! I quickly closed the certains and rushed over to my roommate. "You okay? I swear I didn't do it on purpose." I held my roommate close to me while she was huddled up in a little ball. "Mhm, I understand. And yes I'm okay." She sounded the most confident she has all night. "Here's let's put all this away.." I went to turn off the spirit box. Once I grabbed the box, it shocked me. I'm not talking you average touch somebody's hand and get a small burst of electricity shock, I'm talking taser-power shock. Once the pain hit me, I dropped the spirit box and held my hand close to my chest. "เ คเภ'Շ ﻮ๏เภﻮ ภ๏ฬђєгє кเ๔๔๏. ץ๏ย'гє รՇยςк ฬเՇђ ๓є Ŧ๏г ค ɭ๏ภﻮ ฬђเɭє, չ๏єץ ฬ๏ยɭ๔ кภ๏ฬ..." The spirit box was extremely fluent in this language and so was my roommate. "๏ђ קɭєครє, ﻮ๏ ђคยภՇ คภ๏Շђєг ๔๏г๓! เŦ ץ๏ย ฬคภՇ ๓є Շ๏ ค๔๓เՇ ร๏๓єՇђเภﻮ, ђєгє. ץєร เ ค๔๓เՇ เ'๓ ยภรՇค๒ɭє, เ'שє ɭเє๔, เ'๓ ฬєคк, เ гєɭץ ๏ภ ๏Շђєгร, คภ๔ เ'๓ เภ ɭ๏שє ฬเՇђ ๓єﻮคภ! เร ՇђคՇ єภ๏ยﻮђ รђค๓є Շ๏ קɭєครє ץ๏ย?!" My roommate spat. "Megan you okay?" My roommate rushes over to me. "Yeah, I'm okay." I replied. "Is the camera rolling?" I asked with a slight smile. "I don't know.." my roommate went to check the camera. "It is!" She cheered. Suddenly, the camera stand fell over.
"เŦ ๏ภɭץ ץ๏ย รק๏кє ɭเкє ץ๏ย ๓єคภՇ เՇ... คภ๔ ץ๏ย Շђ๏ยﻮђՇ ץ๏ย ςคภ รђ๏ฬ Շђє ฬ๏гɭ๔ ﻮђ๏รՇ Ŧ๏๏Շคﻮє?! ץ๏ย гєคɭɭץ Շђเภк เ'ɭɭ ɭєՇ ץ๏ย ๔๏ ՇђคՇ? ץ๏ย Շђ๏ยﻮђՇ ฬг๏ภﻮ. ﻮยєรร เ'שє ๏ยՇร๓คгՇє๔ ץ๏ย ๏ภςє คﻮคเภ չ๏єץ..." The spirit box sounded like it was insulting my roommate so I spoke up. "HEY! I don't know what you're saying about Lydia, Zoey, whoever my roomie is here, I won't choose your side! I speak for my roommate so..." Realizing I couldn't speak the language I asked my roommate for help. "Hey uh how do I say f*ck you in the language?" I whispered to my roommate, who grew a smirk on her face. "Like this, Ŧยςк ץ๏ย!!!!!!!!!" My roommate shouted, laughing after her words. "Okay gotcha. Hey you ghost, Ŧยςк ץ๏ย!!!!!!!!!" My roommate started laughing along with me.

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