5/15/18 and After College

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Once Zoey was home, she immediately sat me down to explain the whole demon deal.

"Zoey I... If you would have told me sooner I wouldn't have messed around with everything..." I looked away, but she cupped my face with her hands and turned it to look at her. "Megan there wasn't anything you could do, I've been trapped here for ages and scared people out of the dorm. I was surprised you stayed." Zoey smiled slightly.

She had been a demon all along, in fact possessed by one of the Ouija's most feared. Zozo.

She explained everything from how she got here to how she fell into Zozo's trap. She used the name Lydia as it was one of her old friend's names before they were separated. Zoey was her human name, but her demon name was Zozo.

~~~~~~~~~ After College ~~~~~~~~~~

Zoey and I were walking our dogs, Lydia and Luigi, in the park. After college, we each had jobs and settles down together. We didn't want to leave each other as roommates, so we just moved in together.

Zoey was finding better use of her powers, which she learned she had after graduation.

Living her life had to be harder than anything I'd imagined, but I was here to help her every step of the way.

I broke contact with Jack and Skylar, despite Jack trying to help me with paranormal things that happened to him. They we're paranormal, and living with Zoey helped me figure it out quite quickly.

Once we walked back home with the dogs, I walked upstairs into the room we called Zozo's Sanctuary. The room had drawers filled with memory cards filled with our Ouija board playings, haunted places we visited, strange spirit box responses, and a picture of Zoey and I infront of our dorm.

Leaned against the back wall was the Ouija board, same one from college. The spirit box had it's rightful place on a table in the corner.

"What'cha doing in here?" Zoey asked, walking in beside me. "Just... Taking a look..." I replied, walking out.

Luigi and Lydia didn't go in the sanctuary, but they waited outside the door for us.

We were pretty sure our new house wasn't haunted, which is part of why we chose it. We didn't want to live somewhere haunted, mostly for Zoey's sake. She said if she was living with another being, it wasn't best for her demon.

One thing that I never got answered was flashlight man.

I thought about it while Zoey drove us out to eat.

We had thought of meeting up with paranormal investigators, but for Zoey's sake we didn't.

There was alot we couldn't do, but I respected it. Maybe it was for the best sometimes.

When we did end up finding haunted places to visit while we had free time, we were cautious not to provoke any spirits. We didn't want them to be scared of us, or try to harm us, though according to Zoey demons aren't feared by spirits as much as the devil. In fact, Zoey said she'd made a few non-demon spirit friends.

It always amazes me how much we fear demons, some places haunted by "violent spirits" are some of the places with the funnier or more exciting spirits.

The interesting part though was having Zoey there. She could communicate with the spirits better than humans could, and could probably carry out w conversation with them. That always made our haunted investigations better, and the spirits weren't like movies showed them.

Guess you can't judge a ghost by it's origins.

One thing that we swore to never do was do anything satanic. I knew very few things about satanists and their rituals, let alone Satan himself, but just enough to know he wasn't somebody to mess with. Zoey warned me that Satan was as powerful if not worse than what humans know, and that he is not a force to be messed around with.

"What if we lined the sanctuary's walls with Ouija boards?" I asked as Zoey and I walked through Walmart just for fun. We liked to just go out and see what the stores are selling, maybe buy something. "Hah, oh Megan how would we play so many at once?" Zoey questioned. "Well it was an idea, have the planchettes outline the wall and the Ouija boards on the inside." I said, stealing a handful of grapes from the grape area. "Let's see what this place has Grape Goddess." Zoey joked, taking us to the toy section.

We found a nearby worker, which we went up to.

"Hello uh, do you by any chance have Ouija boards?" I asked the worker, who gave me a strange look. "Me... Megan..?" I took a better look at the worker. "Jack?" Zoey looked confused, and so was I, but I hadn't seen him for a long time. "Why are you working here?" I asked. "Well it's just for the money right now, and I surely didn't expect to see you both here." Jack remarked.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked as Jack took us down the board games isle. "Nobody besides you would ask where Ouija boards are, and plus you always wear the same red jacket, just in different sizes when you grow out of them." Jack's comment made me mentally facepalm. It was true, I did wear the same Ohio State red jacket since fifth grade when I met Jack, and always get the next size in it.

Eventually we did find some Ouija boards after scanning the same couple of isles for twenty minutes. "I'll get you girls a basket, wait here." Jack walked off to God knows where while Zoey and I filled our arms with all the Ouija boards they had.

"Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty. Twenty Ouija boards." Zoey counted as she loaded the basket with the boards. "Thanks a bunch Jack!" I smiled as Zoey and I headed to the check-out.

We knew twenty wasn't enough, and even that was more than we wanted for budget, so we both worked overtime to get enough money for the boards.

October was just around the corner, so we were in luck. Alot of stores sell Ouija boards near Halloween, I remember seeing them in kids stores when I was younger.

Zoey and I loved doing projects like this, it gave us more time together with work and everything in between. They were fun for both of us too, and it always seemed to be worth it in the end.

We ended up taking measurements, and came to need four hundred and seventy eight Ouija boards to fill all the wall space including the ceiling. Of course we'd have extra planchettes, which we had no idea what to do with yet.

Guess we'll wait and see.

You Are Not The Monster That They Knew✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz