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"Me-- Megan...?" Zoey's voice was just barely over a whisper. Holding back tears, I brought her into my arms and held her tight. "Oooh you don't know how happy I am that you're alive!" I exclaimed, but Zoey backed out of the hug. "Yea--Yeah..." Zoey didn't make eye contact with me, but rather the spirit box still on the floor but turned off. I turned it off earlier. "I don't want to mess with it again..." Zoey's gaze was focused on the spirit box. "That's okay! We don't have to use it." I walked over to the box and put it in a kitchen cupboard. "It'll work for now.." I looked back to my distressed roommate. "Megan I... I don't want to mess with spirits or... Anything along those lines anymore..." Zoey had worry in her eyes. "We don't have to, we can try something else!" I put the Ouija board back and sat down next to my roommate. "We could... Maybe ride bikes?" Zoey suggested. "Yeah just one thing...." I hesitated. "I've never rode a bike..."

"Are you SURE I WON'T die?" I had my feet planted on the floor as I sat on the bike. "Yes now you want to go forward and not make many turns." Zoey instructed, demonstrating with her own bike. "I'm not taking my feer off the floor!" I whined, trying to calmly lift my foot to a pedal. Zoey came up behind me and held me by my waist. "I won't let you fall, now put your feet on the pedals." Zoey said in a tone that made me feel safe. I did as told with the bike wobbling with each foot I lifted which was only two. "Now push the pedals like you're running. I won't let go." Pushing took alot more strength than expected, but I got it going. My hands were shaking, causing me to move the handlebars everywhere with Zoey somehow still holding on. "The key to balance is speed." Just then, Zoey placed her hands on my back and started to push me as she ran behind. "Zoey Zoey ZOEY!!" I panicked but my body wouldn't move. "Oh please! You're afraid of this but not demons?" Zoey joked, pushing harder. "YES!!! Because DEMONS aren't made of metal and can crush my body!!!" I retorted. "Would you prefer I let go?" Zoey was smirking, even though I couldn't see her I knew she was. "NO S
ACTUALLY!" I turned around to see Zoey give one final push before letting me go. "Pedal!" Zoey shouted as she ran to catch up with me. I did as told, going way to fast. "Zoey this is WAY to fast!!!" I was panicking. "BRAKE!" Zoey ordered. Luckily I knew where the brakes were so I immediately pulled the brake.

The sudden stop in motion caused the bike to come to a very abrupt stop that made the bike do a front flip.

I landed with the my legs tangled with the bike and my head on the concrete. Luckily I wore a helmet but not knee and elbow pads.

Zoey rushed over to pick the bike up off me and threw it to the side, kneeling beside me.

She held me like a baby in her arms and carried me to the car but of course I was blacked out.

"Where's the bike...? Do I gotta pay..?" I groaned, looking around to realize I was back at the dorm. "The bike is back at the shop where I paid." Zoey say down on the bedside. "You surely took a heck of a fall." Zoey remarked. I surely did. According to Zoey I scraped both knees pretty bad along with both my elbows and a bit of my jaw. And it all hurt.

"Just so you know, I'm not riding a bike ever again." I walked beside Zoey as she made soup. She had gone out to get the supplies to make it, she said she'd make it just for me too! "I know, I know. Here taste test." Zoey held the spoon full of soup up to my mouth, which I gladly tasted the soup. "Mmm, I likey!" I smiled.

We watched a movie on the TV we had. We ended up watching The Incredibles which was one of my favorite Disney movies. Zoey hasn't seen it before so I was excited for her to also see it.

During the movie, Zoey and I shared a blanket and sat on the same bed. Since the blanket was so small we were basically touching shoulders.

I don't remember when but I did fall asleep. Luckily I was facing the ceiling when I layed down and had the soup resting on my stomach which somehow didn't tip over. Once Zoey noticed I was asleep, she took the bowls and set them in the sink. She came back with a bigger blanket and an extra pillow. She draped the blanket over both of us and layed on her side, facing me. She then slid closer and wrapped her arms around my chest, pulling me close and resting her head in the crook of my neck.

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