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I was woken early by a knock on the dorm door. I tiredly got up and answered it. "Yes?" I asked, not realizing who it was. "Ooh uh hi I'm Lydia's boyfriend, Arjay and uh, well I came to check up on her because she asked me and seems she's sleeping so..." The boy who claimed to be Arjay said. I stood blocking the doorway. "Hm what yes?" My roommate jumped out of bed. "Oooh babe!" My roommate pushed me out of the way and hugged Arjay. Lucky... Well single pringles for the win! "Eww go make out somewhere else!" I teased as I covered my eyes. "Oh be quiet Meg!" My roommate spat back as her and Arjay walked off to who knows where.

While Arjay and aparently Lydia were outside, I worked with the spirit box. It was definitely loud but I eventually figured it out.

About 30 minutes passed without Lydia. "You know what she can do whatever with her boyfriend, I'M going to work with the board." I said to myself as I pulled the board out from it's spot and set it up on the floor. "Okay if there's any spirit or supernatural entity in the dorm, make your presence known by moving the planchette to yes." I said as I lightly rested my fingers on the planchette.

Slowly but surely the planchette moved to yes.

"Okay, hello then. Could you tell me your name?" I asked, my gaze moving around the room while waiting for the planchette to move.

No response.

"Okay... Are you a relative of mine that is somehow in this dorm?" I asked.

The planchette slowly moved to no.

"Okay then... Were you the one who knocked on the door the other day?" I asked. I was determined to figure out who this was and why they were in my dorm of all (I think) 745 dorms on campus.

The planchette moved to yes.

"Okay so why are you in MY dorm?" I asked.

No answer.

I mentally facepalmed. Dumba**, ask easy questions! They're using enough energy to be here already...

"Can you spell out your na-." I cut myself off as the lights started flickering. "H... Hey! I don't wanna be rude but... Can you explain the meaning of the lights?" I asked, my fingers fighting the urge to leave the planchette.

The planchette moved around the letters, I said them aloud as it traced over each one. "F... R... I... D... G... E... Fridge?" I asked. The spirit/entity responded by quickly moving to yes. "But... Will you be mad if I-." Before I could get finish, the planchette moved to goodbye. "Okay then, if you insist.." I took my fingers off the planchette and walked over to the kitchen.

Walking over to the fridge, the letters had been rearranged. They now spelled out spirit box. "Is.. is what what you want to communicate with?" I asked, trying to fight back my overwhelming fear. All my urges inside were telling me to use the spirit box, like I was possessed in a way.

The lights in the house were non-stop flickering now as I booted up the spirit box.

"So, what is your name?" I asked, spirit box in hand as I sat on the kitchen counter. The entity had trouble at first it seemed, but then managed to say "your roommate", very clearly too. "Uh my roommate? Do you mean Lydia?" I asked. It tried to say something but all I could make out was "yes, exactly". "Well then, is your name Lydia then?" I asked. The box was all static at this point, like it was going hay wire. "Um excuse me could you repeat that?" I asked. The spirit box continued to be even more staticy and got significantly louder. The static of the spirit box filled the dorm.

I tried turning it off or asking for it to stop the noise but nothing worked. Everything was just an endless void of flashing lights and static.

Before I knew it, my roommate, whose name is Lydia apparently, burst in the door. "MEGAN!" Lydia shouted, her voice just barely was heard over the static. Once she spoke, all the events in the room stopped. The spirit box was off, the lights were on, and the fridge was arranged back to normal. "What the he** happened?!" Lydia rushed over to the kitchen where I was with worry. "Are you okay? Do we need a hearing check?" I've never seen my roommate so worried. "Heh, I'm good..." I said, trying to get the slightest but of laughter out. My roommate quickly wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. It was definitely shocking since she never showed ME this affection, just her boyfriends. "I didn't mean to hurt you..." Lydia whispered so quietly it was barely audible. "You didn't do anything! If anyone did something it was me playing the Ouija board and obeying the spirit's orders." I said as Lydia rested her hands on my shoulders. "Well we sure learned something.." Lydia said with the most happiness she could manage at the moment. "You bet! God I'm never doing that stuff alone ever again!" I said. "But don't think you did something, okay?" I brushed a strand of hair out of my roommate's eyes. She just nodded in response.

"So it all just sorta happened?" Lydia asked. We were out for dinner together. "Yeah first it told me to go to the fridge. The letters were arranged to spell out spirti box so I booted that up and only heard he words your roommate. Weird huh? I wouldn't think of a spirit having THAT name." Lydia's face grew a smile at my joke. "Yeah I can't imagine." Lydia responded. I didn't know if I should tell her I knew her name, she always kept it a secret. "So what's your actual name anyways? I mean we are going to basically travel the world together so it would be nice to have a name to address you by-." I was cut off my my roommate. "Zoey, that's my name." Wait so it's not Lydia? "Then why did your boyfriend say Lydia?" I asked as the waiter brought our check. "Lydia is..." My roommate looked out the large glass window to the moon. Her face was flooded with worry and fear. The very second she looked at the moon she looked away and quickly worked on the check. "Let's go." My roommate grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the restaurant.

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