Epilogue Part 1

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"Mom! Look at my drawing I made for mother's day!" Mikayla rushed inside, setting her backpack on the floor and pulling out a drawing from her bag. It was indeed, a drawing of Zoey and myself. "Oh Mikayla, that's adorable sweetheart! Here let's hang up up in your room." I looked at her drawing. It's what I expected from a five year old first grade child, and proceeded to hang it up in her bedroom.

Mikayla and I waited for Zoey to get home, but until then Mikayla was playing tug-a-war with Luigi and Lydia.

I went into Zozo's Sanctuary, gazing at the probably hundreads of Ouija boards and planchettes that lined the walls and ceiling. Zoey and I agreed to not let Mikayla see this room until she was at least eighteen, even though she's asked what's in here many times.

Mikayla was probably the best thing to happen to Zoey and I, alongside getting married.

"Momma! C'mon look what I drew in school!" I walked out of the sanctuary to see Mikayla dragging Zoey into her room by the hand.

I stood outside the doorway of the bedroom, waiting for them to finish.

"Can we take the dogs out?" Mikayla asked me before Zoey got a chance to speak. "Honey we'll take them out later tonight, we promise." Zoey patted Mikayla's head, who dashed past me to the dogs.

"How was your day?" I followed behind Zoey into our room, who grabbed clothes from the closet to change into. "It was good as usual, now please let a demon dress!" Zoey used her overdramatic teen voice, putting the back of her free hand on her forehead. She hasn't changed a bit. "And what if I don't?" I smirked, putting a hand on my hip and leaning to the side. Being the good wife I was, I've never went against Zoey's word. Zoey threw her clothes to the floor, tackling me onto the bed. "Then my human will face a punishment..." Zoey's tone was deep and calming all at once.

"Get the dogs on the leashes Meg!" Zoey said from the kitchen while Mikayla and her packed the picnic basket.

After easily getting Lydia and chasing Luigi, I finally got both dogs ready.

Mikayla always held the dog's leashes when we went to the park, and I was in charge of the basket and Zoey's hand. Of course sometimes we got stares from kids or other couples, but we never were bothered by them. Zoey always said to let them accuse us for a crime we didn't commit, which worked most of the time.

We found a spot under a tree on top of a small hill to set up the picnic. Mikayla tied the dog's leashes around the tree and helped us unpack.

We ate sandwiches with chocolate for desert, that got melted because the picnic blanket was on top of everything.

By the time we had finished packing everything back up and preparing to head back, the sky was already a deep orange.

Walking home, we took a different route then usual due to construction that had started while we had our picnic.

"Hey Mikayla, see that big building?" I pointed to the college just across the street. Even I was surprised when I noticed it. This caught Zoey's attention, who squeezed my hand tighter. "Yeah, what's special about it?" Mikayla asked, looking up and down the building. "Here let's go over to it, hand me the dogs Mikayla." Mikayla did as Zoey asked, and we quickly made it across the street.

Once we crossed, Zoey gave the leashes back to Mikayla as we walked through the gate onto the official campus.

"Oooh, what is this place Momma?" Mikayla turned in circles looking at everything, Luigi and Lydia were trying to avoid tangling Mikayla in their leashes. "Ooh Megan over here!" Zoey let go of my hand and dashed over to one of the dorms. I set down the basket and ran over to the dorm, Mikayla (and of course the dogs) followed. "This dorm right here Mikayla, this is where I met your Mom!" Zoey was taken over by her excitement to be back here. "In this small house?" Mikayla was quite confused, but it didn't take away Zoey's excitement. "Yes! Oh yes Mikayla yes! This is where I met her for the first time." Zoey tried to contain herself. "We shared many memories here Mikayla, and of course both positive and negative..." I added. Zoey placed both her hands on each of my shoulders. "And this one here got a suspension for punching somebody!" Zoey teased, getting a laugh from Mikayla. "Haha yeah whoo hoo, you've had your fun, but your Momma was bringing boys to the dorm every other night! She was cheating on me Mikayla!" I fought back, trying to hide my smirk.

After maybe thirty minutes of embarrassing college moments and Mikayla laughing, we finally made it home, just later then we wanted.

"Goodnight Mikayla.." I turned off her bedroom light. "Hey Mom, will I ever get to see what's in the room?" Mikayla asked, causing a warm-hearted smile to take over. "One day sweetheart, you'll get to see what's in there..." I gentally closed the bedroom door.

A/n: Hahahaha!!! Yes I've made a part 2 to this chapter!! I just can't fit it all into one without it being weird, but I'll tighten some loose ends here. So Mikayla is Megan and Zoey's daughter. Zoey and Megan have 2 dogs, Lydia and Luigi, and are married. Anyways part 2 next week, cause I'm ready to end this story and start another that I've always wanted to write! Hope you're having a good day/night depending on when you're reading this, love you!!! ❤💕💗💘💙💟😍😻 Also I went through and edited this chapter because it's near the end, and I'll try to start checking chapters before posting more often.

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