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I was awakened by Zoey shaking my side, fully dressed. "C'mon sleepy head, the weekend's over." Zoey set a plate of waffles and orange juice on the nightstand and tossed me a pair of my clothes that actually looked well together. "You didn't... Have to.. Do all... All this.." I grabbed the plate and set it in my lap as I began to scarf down the waffles. "Yes... But you've been through slot lately with the spirit box and all so I thought I'd give you a break." Zoey smiled, walking back to the kitchen.

Once we both had bags and lunches packed, we headed for the main building.

"Hey look at, i think they're possessed!" Some boy loudly whispered to his buddy as they passed us. I look to Zoey for a reaction, but she kept her head held high and ignored them.

Walking to our lockers, the same thing happened. Lots of people thought we were demons or possessed but throughout all of it Zoey held her head high and brushed their words off.

"Hey Zoey, before you leave.." I got Zoey's attention before we parted ways to our first periods. "At lunch, can we sit outside by the tree?" I asked. "Yeah sure, something you wanted to talk about?" She asked, turning to face me. "Yeah actually, but it can wait till then." Just after, the warning bell rang. "See ya then!" I said as Zoey and I parted ways.

Lots of notes were passed to me with spirit or demon related questions, some had my name in the center of a pentagram or "is your best friend Zozo?" Written on them. It did annoy me, especially the 666 written on my math class desk, but lunch was soon and hopefully it'll be the highlight of my day.

While walking to lunch, Jack trotted to my side. "Hey so are you actually possessed?" He asked. I grunted. "No I'm not possessed what-so-ever and by best friend isnt Zozo, if you even wanted to ask the second part." I repiled, irritated. "Oooh, then maybe Skylar took it too far..." Jack said with a nervous tone. "Wait, hold on!" I threw my lunch box to thr floor and pinned Jack to the wall. "You and Skylar started this?" My voice was deep and threatening, making Jack tense up. "Yeah.. Well we thought that with the demons you and Zoey we're summoning that you were certainly possessed and possibly born that way..." His voice was shakey but clear. I looked around at the eyes watching, but I was going to prove I was not possessed. "And Zozo, explain that." Ilooked back to Jack. "Skylar researched demons that an Ouija board could summon and Zozo was the worst one! Now please let me go..." Jack closed his eyes and looked away.

"Hey, let him go!" A voice called out above the crowd. Not much later, the owner of the voice tackled me, pinning me to the floor. I soon realized it was an old middle school friend, Mia. "Fancy seeing you here baka, now get off me!" I rolled to the side, pinning Mia down. "What the h*ll are you doing to Jack?!" She asked, trying to fight my firm grasp."proving that Zoey and I aren't possessed!" I sneered. "Jack are you okay?" I heard Mia's girlfriend ask Jack from behind. "Yeah I'm fine.." I heard Jack reply with a slightly shakey voice. "Paige get her off!" Mia hollared. Paige tried to pull me off Mia, but instinct told me otherwise.

"So Megan, is there a reason you punched Paige?" The principal asked me. I didn't want to speak, since I feared tears would escape without warning. "She... I was trying to show Jack I wasn't possessed!" I said, trying to hide my shaking voice. "But how does Paige come in?" He asked, folding his hands on his desk. "Mia was.... She tackled me and then I rolled over and... And pinned her but Paige came over to take me off Mia but my instinct said to... To punch her." I tried to speak as fast as I could, but ended up studdering alot. "You'll serve a two day suspension starting tomorrow, but you may continue to lunch while there's still time." Right then, I ran out of the office, but I was stopped. "Your suspension note." The principal reminded, which I quickly grabbed and bolted back to the fight spot to get my lunch box.

I did go to the tree lighting we promised, and luckily Zoey was there.

"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked as I took my seat beside her. "Uh well, so everyone's been saying we're associated with demons and are possessed. This morning I... I noticed when it happened you didn't have a reaction as far as I could tell. Does it, bother you at all that they're just assuming things about us just because we do something different?" I asked, but Zoey's gaze was focused on the sky. "If you don't show them you notice, they become weaker. It's like if you don't taunt a ghost, it won't do bad things. Replace the ghost with bullies and if you don't react to the bully, they have no reason to continue what they're doing because they gain nothing." Zoey's voice was sincere snd meaningful, which made her words hit deep. "I guess it does work like that. Huh, I'd never think of it like that..." I looked to the sky also, forgetting that I should've been eating. "I also heard you got into a fight with... Ahh who was it.. Jack, yeah, before lunch today." Zoey's remark made me remember the fight. "Yeah... Uhh we can talk about that in the dorm.." I refused to say much, fearing unexpected tears.

We sat like that the whole lunch and recess, occasionally asking a question or telling a short story to pass time.

After the fight the rest of the day was worse. No use in stuffing the suspension slip in my pocket if everyone already knew about it. Mia was especially mad at me for punching her girlfriend, even Mia's ex boyfriend wss pissed at me! Lots of people were mad at me all day, and after my suspension I didn't expect ut to be any better. Which reminds me, i have to talk to Zoey about the while story without breaking into tears, great...

A/n: so I said this in All We See Is Sky For Forever but this story is also extremely laggy so as I wrote the chapter I tried to catch as many mistakes as I could but I'm sure there are more in there tbaf i didn't see so just a heads up of why the chapter might be sloppy, but not a sloppy joe, which I personally don't like. Anyways just wanted to tell you guys and yeah. Have a great day/night depending on when  you read this! 💜💞💕❤

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