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I checked the time. 7:05am. We get ready in five minutes for school. I stretched and went to the closet to choose clothes to wear. After getting dressed and walking into the kitchen, the realization of the camera and last night came back. I rushed over to the camera that was still on the stand and still recording. I took the memory card out and ran over to our Chromebook and plugged it in.

I transferred the video over to the Chromebook and from there to my phone.

"Hey roomie, time to get up." I went over to my roommate's bed and shook her awake. "It's only... 7:09 Megan..." She graoned, checking her phone quickly. "One more minute..." She pushed me off the bed and pulled the covers over her head. I stood beside her bed with my phone in hand. Just then, my alarm went off. "Your extra minute is up!" I smiled, pulling the covers off my roommate.

"I also transferred the video to my phone and I'll be showing it around. Maybe I can post it on my Instagram!" I said as we walked to the building. "Uh Megan that's a big old no. Nobody can see that video." My roommate stepped infront of me. "I'm sorry but this is legitimate evidence of spirits!" I tried to step to the side but she mirrored my movements. "Don't show that to anyone Megan." She had a serious tone. "What's so bad about it?" I asked, still trying to get around her. "Megan some things are better left secrets." What sense was sheaking here?! "You're allergic to the moon, that's no secret!" I crossed my arms. "It's more than just an allergy!" She spat, her hands on my shoulders. "You aren't my mom!" I snapped, throwing her hands off my shoulders and stroming into the building. "I'm warning you!" She shouted back.

I did show everyone in the halls. I showed Skylar and Jack also.

"This... This is real?" Jack asked, constantly replaying the clip. "Yep!" I smiled. "I want to see this." Skylar said, crossing her arms. "My dorm tonight at 9." I grabbed my phone back from Jack and walked off. "It's a deal!" Skylar shouted back.

I got back early and set up the Ouija board. 8:30 and I gotta get this monster back in here! "Okay, around 9 I want you to do what you did last night okay?" I asked, booting up the spirit box.

I messed around until I got frequent responses on the spirit box, just in time for Skylar and Jack.

"Okay show us your magic." Jack and Skylar sat down on each side of me with the spirit box to my right and the Ouija board infront of us. "It's already here so be careful." I warned.

10pm. We were having fun with the spirit. We even found a checkers board and played against it. It talked to us via spirit box. "What's it's name anyway?" Jack asked, moving his checkers piece. "My name, is Zozo. Yours is, Jack." The spirit box said. "Zozo? I like that name." Jack remarked as Zozo moved it's checkers piece. "Hey Zozo were you the one in that video Megan has?" Skylar asked, a grin plastered on her face. "Why yes, that was me." The spirit box/Zozo replied. "Your roommate care if we're summoning demons in here?" Jack asked. "Oh, I'm sure she won't, mind." The spirit box answered for me. "Good." I smiled.

About 11pm, Zoey stormed into the room. "Megan what the h*ll are you doing?!" Zoey shouted, pointing at everything surrounding the three of us. "Don't fret, Zoey, it's just a bit of, fun." The spirit box said, getting a slight laugh out of Jack, Skylar and I. "Oh please Zozo! You guy's shouldn't be playing with her and Megan shouldn't have shown you that video!" Zoey scolded. "Oh please you joy-killer! Sometimes rules aewade to be broken!" I stood up and protested. "Yeah Zoey, learn to have, fun." The spirit box retorted. Jack and Skylar took their leave.

"Megan you don't know what you're dealing with..." Zoey carefully stepped twords the Ouija board. "Now let me just put this..." Zoey reached for the planchette, which I slapped her hand to keep her from picking it up. "I know what I'M messing with, do you?" I asked, pointing a finger directly at her. "Do you hear yourself?! You sound like your possessed!" Zoey exclaimed. "Why don't you join me?" I asked, a smile across my face. "No thanks, we need to get you to rest." Zoey grabbed my shoulders and layed me on her bed. "Now let me put this away..." Zoey walked back over to the mini ghost session we were having and cleaned it up for me.

"Argh my head..." I groaned, looking over to Zoey. Wait that's the wall. And this side Zoey's bed. "Hey uh, Zoey if that's even your name?" I asked, my hand on my forehead to somewhat sooth my ringing headache. No answer. I got up, slightly dizzy, and looked around the room. "Zoey?!" I ran over to her limp-looking body and kneeled down beside it. "C'mon Zoey..." I shook her side, trying to see if she'd wake up. I ran over to the fridge to get ice.

The letters on the fridge door spelled "you're next" and had the spare letters in an arrow pointing to Zoey's figure. Brushing the message aside I got both Zoey and I bags of ice. "I just pray whatever spirit is in here doesn't kill you." I said to myself as I placed Zoey's ice bag on her forehead while I held my bag on my forehead.

"I can't afford to lose the one I love most..."

You Are Not The Monster That They Knew✔Where stories live. Discover now