Epilogue Part 2

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I was finally going to college. I had a boyfriend, who loved me dearly. I loved him lots too, and we knew we were soulmates. He did go to a different college, but we always kept in contact with one another. He went to the same college as my bestie, Tristan.

Tristan was basically the sister I never had after my parents died after my high school graduation. Her family even took me in. I was lucky to have her in my life.

"Hey Mikayla! You find out your dorm number yet?" I looked in the direction of the voice to see one of my best friends, Bri, run to my side. "Oh, no I just got here, are they posted somewhere?" I asked, but with no words Bri grabbed my arm and dragged me somewhere.

This somewhere was to thr dorm numbers. They were posted up in the hall.

"Mikayla!" I felt arms hugging me from behind. It was non other then Sam, another good friend of mine. "I checked your dorm number, it's dorm #2274." Sam lead Bri and I to my dorm.

"Guess you're sharing with somebody huh Mikayla?" Bri said, looking at the other bed in the room. "Yup. As long as they don't bother me I'll be okay." I smiled, putting my bag on the other bed.

As school started up, lots more word went around about the dorm I was in. I hadn't seen my roommate much, nor did I know his name, but he wasn't the focus of the dorm. Some of the teachers seemed to know stuff about it too.

The kids acted like I had a demon following me around, and often said I was possessed.

I'd know if I was possessed... Right...?

It wasn't long after school started that I found old VHS tapes hidden under my bed.

I didn't tell my roommate about the tapes, but I stuffed them in my bag and dashed to Sam and Bri's dorm. They lucked out and got to be roommates.

"Guys! I found VHS tapes in my dorm! They might have something to do with all the gossip about my dorm room and me being haunted. We need to find a TV that can play these!!!" I pounded on their dorm door. I knew they were in there, it was after school anyway. 

"Well what are we waiting for? To the library!" Sam and Bri came to the door, and imediately we all ran to the library.

"Slow down there ladies! What is it you need?" The librarian stood up and confronted us once we burst in the door. She knew us pretty well. We came down to the library instead of recess most days to do homework.

"We need a TV that can play a VHS tape, is there one in here?" Bri eagerly asked. "I'm afraid not, but there's a TV store not too far that might have one." The librarian said.

Sam and Bri jolted out the door, but I said goodbye to the librarian before joining them on the way to Sam's car.

"Sir do you have a TV that can play a VHS tape by any chance?" We asked the first employee we saw at the store. "I'm afraid not, sorry." The man said.

"Now what...?" Bri's tone was slightly defeated. "We save up to buy one." I said, getting into the car.

"Hey Sam! Pull into Lowe's over there! There's a for hire sign!" Sam pulled into the Lowe's parking lot as gentally as she could within the second I said the words, which wasn't gental at all.

"Hello, we would like to apply for a job here." We walked up to a cashier, who gave me an odd smile.

"I know you... Don't I...?" The lady working was old, but her voice made her sound younger then her looks. "Uh... Excuse me...?" I questioned. "Years and years ago, you bought wood here for a Ouija board. Have you forgotten?" The lady put her index finger on my forehead, then retracted. "Mikayla would never make a Ouija board ma'am, you have the wrong girl." Sam interjected.

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