Sacrifice (Remake)

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Aaron's POV

Garroth is lying on the bed, I don't even have to look at him to know that his fight is draining. His golden hair now looking rusty, his soft blue eyes look torn and faded, his face trapped in a state of agony. I can't tell what hurts more, that I had done this to my own friend, or that I couldn't do anything but watch. The only people in the room are Melissa & Lucinda, Nana & Zane, my parents, and Garroth's parents. I wanted the pups outside the door, I don't want them to see their alpha, weak and helpless, my instincts wouldn't allow that. Aphmau is waiting outside as well, which I hate myself for. I did it out of self-hatred and rage, kicking her out of the room. Maybe it was because I didn't want her to see me like this, or maybe it is the fact that I don't want her to see him like that

Too caught up in my thoughts, I paid no heed to the door that creaked open, before slamming against the wall in full force. Aph came storming, forcefully pushing aside Melissa and Zane. In her eyes, I could see my own reflection and my blood-red eyes. Her caramel eyes, usually filled with so much love and affection, now shone with unshed tears, pure determination, and a mix of bitter words that I never knew I would never hear.

The room stood in sickening silence, with everyone inside frozen in shock. My heart and mind screamed at me to move, to do anything, but all I could bring myself to do is look... and see Aphmau... looking straight at Garroth

I was too slow, a second too slow, a second that could never reverse what this moment had done to me. In Aph's petite hand, held a potion, mixing in a sluggish manner, turning from black to red in an inconsistent manner. My eyes widened, witnessing before me the potion's delicate glass bottle shatter with a crash, into a million pieces, and the liquid spreading towards the tips of our toes. My hand slowly reached out, as if in slow motion and before I knew it I could no longer feel, I couldn't move, I had no control. Looking right ahead of me, I had seen everyone struggle to do the same, paralyzed. I had tried to move my ears, I tried to open my mouth, but no avail. She walked towards him, giving an aura of confidence and sorrow, a bitter mix in the air.

Garroth was still heaving for every breath, his eyes closed. Every inch of my body screamed at me to move, my heart was racing. Now I know what Aph must have felt underneath that forever potion, having no control over your own body, and being forced to look at everything around you. 

 I heard her mutter words that I didn't understand at that moment, but it was a spell. She walked up to me, watery eyes, smiling as if she knew it would be her last, and gave a crumpled paper into my hand. She walked forward onto the bed. Lucinda seemed to understand what was happening, because her eyes widen, as a scream tried to escape her mouth. A gentle glow had cast around us, as we see all the memories that Garroth and Aphmau went through. The good and the bad, the pretty lies, and ugly truths. A light humming heard. When we all could see, the spell faded, Zane fell to his knees, while Lucinda and Nana fell to the floor.

 Aphmau was on the cold floor, smiling a tired smile, as caramel eyes fading to white rapidly. Garroth got off with a start, crystal eyes coming back to life, and begging Aph to lay down. I tried to pick up Aphmau to the bed, but my hands went through her as mid she was nothing but a hologram, something that could never be touched. My eyes burned, needing to shed some unwanted, disgusting tears. Fearing that I would never be able to take her home, fearing to never have a wonderful family, or may not even get to see her wear her wedding dress down the aisle. Too much going on, too many emotions, heart racing, mind buzzing, I let the darkness consume me hoping to wake up beside my precious fiance, little did I know, I would never see her gorgeous eyes again.  

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