Little Puppy Alpha Pt 2

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Author's Note: Yup, another update. I was contemplating on whether or whether not to stop here, but like I can, so I did lol. Shout out to Super_Jackiechan45 for helping to create the story. I think there will be a lot more parts, more than I expected, but I'll be happy to provide them for you. 

Edit: I fixed the name. Apparently, I'm on drugs because I did not type it correctly. 

Second Edit: Fixed the errors in writing, also as an update, after I finish writing Little Puppy Alpha, I will move it into a completely different book because I really don't think oneshots are meant to go beyond three. 

Aphmau's POV:

She could barely remember why she was here. One second she was in that forest, and now she is at this huge building. Her heartbeat was still as frantic as it was mere minutes ago.

She saw glowing eyes come through the fog of the forest. They were looking at her as if she was the prey, and they were the predator. She heard a snarl from behind her and saw one werewolf come from the fog, the others standing behind him. Her mind raced and her voice failed her as she tried to make a run for it. Wrong move. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a werewolf with cuttingly sharp silver eyes, and a lock of gray hair (maybe he dyed it and it faded?) and an ear piercing on his right ear. On his arms, where tatoos started from the crease of his elbow to his fingertips. He was darted towards Aphmau with incredible speed, his shoes crushing the fallen leaves on the ground. She felt her heart pumping in slow motion as she saw his frame collide into hers. She felt a sharp stabbing pain in her leg before blacking out slowly.

Adrenaline was pumping in Aphmau's veins as she walked, well more like limping, down the long hallway. Anxiety filled her head with every step. She was visibly shaking; every werewolf in the area could smell her fear. Finally, after what seemed to take years, she came up to a sleek black door, while a golden label stating: Alpha. The doorknob jiggled a bit before the door opened. One of the guards, a man whose name is Daniel (He didn't seem very fit to be a guard, Aphmau thought), had followed her throughout the entire walk. At least it wasn't any of the other werewolves, the others are so terrifying. Just thinking of meeting the Alpha made the bruises on her legs pulse even more in pain, but just quickly fear consumed the pain that she was in.

Daniel was an adorable little werewolf. He was petite and chubby but carried this lovely glow around him wherever he went. Aphmau could simply tell that from just looking at him. His hair and werewolf ears were a mossy green, and his eyes were a beautiful blue, like the depts of a crystal clear ocean. He really wasn't cut out to be a guard.

"You don't have to be nervous!" Daniel said, giving a goofy grin. Aphmau let out a giggle as they were walking down the hall. She felt less scared around him but still scared nonetheless. Daniel ran ahead and did a---was that supposed to be a cartwheel? He landed on the floor with a thud and a dazed look in his eyes. She laughed and helped him get up. He had red cheeks and his tail was wagging, in an embarrassed manner.

Now, here she was, in front of the Alpha's office. She was completely and utterly terrified. After what seemed like years, although in real life, it was a few minutes, she timidly knocked at the door. After a few seconds, a response was heard. "Come in." a masculine voice commanded.

Daniel nudged her in, well, practically pushed her in. She could hear his wagging tail from outside the wooden door. She immediately looked down, she read somewhere that you should never look an Alpha in the eyes, they take that as a challenge. All that comfort that she felt when she was with Daniel, just disappeared. She felt as though she was in a warm blanket in the winter, and suddenly she was taken outside, with nothing but the cold winter wind and the snow surrounding her feet. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She slowly lifted her head up, and saw-- why was he looking at her that way?

She looked at the man that she was anticipating, fearing merely minutes before. She became even more terrified of him than before. She couldn't hear anything except that pounding thumping noise in her chest.

Aaron's POV:

When he went to get the door, he realized. She's scared of him. The love of Aaron's life is absolutely terrified of Aaron. Aaron can hear her heart pounding, and the anxiety pumping through her constant fidgeting, and he could hear this all through the door. This is not how I wanted to meet my mate. When he turned the doorknob to look at his mate, the first thing he did was turned his gaze down at her legs, so she wouldn't feel so intimidated by his stare, and saw patches of bruises and one of her ankles seemed to be sprained, swollen and red. Before he could comprehend, he looked up and let out a deadly growl, a telltale warning, like a lighthouse calling out to a ship on the verge of crashing.

Her head immediately shot up, with wide eyes. She had beautiful caramel eyes, deep as the ocean but gentle and kind, sweet and naive, glimmering with youth and innocence; she looked angelic. He felt the slow burn of red appear on his cheeks and let out a nervous chuckle. "I-um didn't mean to growl at you. I-I'm Aaron, your-- um" She's giving you a weird look, boi, you just met her and you already messed it up. Man up, hide your feelings, you do it to your pack members all the time. Aaron cleared his throat. "As the alpha of this pack, I prohibit you for leaving as we will read into the incident." Well, at least you didn't mess that up, now go to your desk and pretend to do work. He fiddled with things on his desk and lifted up different printed out pieces of paper; it looked as though he was too busy to deal with her. "Also, may I ask what the werewolf that gave you the bruises looked like?" Wow, totally not possessive, good job hiding being her mate. "H-he had his front bang a grayish color and tattoos on his arms. U-Um, his ears and tail were kinda blue at the ends, and he had an ear piercing." Ein. She was looking at the floor. "C-can I ask a question?" Aaron nodded. "Where do I-I sleep? Like, what room?" Aaron froze. Oh dear... 

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