Little Puppy Alpha Pt. 1

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 Aphmau's POV

Aphmau really truly loved Garroth. Her heart yearned and throbbed for Garroth every single second. She really thought she found the love of her life. She skipped along the sidewalk to Garroth's house, wearing a head-over-heels smile the entire way. She finally walked up to Garroth's house. The sun was out and shining, the sky was blue with no clouds in sight. The trees were covered in leaves that were dancing in the light summer breeze.

It was huge, with elegant designs on the exterior, and interior. The outside was painted in a pure white, like an angel's wings, and the inside was a vivid red, like fresh blood. She knocked upon the wooden door. She was given a spare key, but she felt it was rude to just open the door. After a few minutes, she was curious about where Garroth went. Garroth was usually home at this time, and he always told her when he was going anywhere. What if he was hurt? She really didn't want to just barge in, but she was really starting to get concerned if he was okay. Did something happen at work? After a few minutes of internal struggle, she took out her spare key and opened the door.

The door creaked in a slow, disturbing manner. Aphmau didn't know why, but the house seemed more disturbing than before. She has been there millions of times, yet this time it seemed to be warning her of something. Something that she should not find out. She walked further inside the house.

The walls seemed to scream at her to leave, the lights in the house looked dimmer than before. It's just your mind, she told herself. She saw the light from the kitchen, the door was wide open. It flickered in a strange tempo, an on and off rhythm. It was hard to see, but it was there. The strange rhythm.

She continued heading toward the kitchen. Halfway there, she started to feel self-conscious. What if he was doing something? She definitely didn't want him to get mad at her. She hesitantly took another step. She finally was in front of the kitchen door. And she suddenly didn't Garroth to see her. She leaned next to the wall that was nearby the door and peeked in.

She held in her breath as she looked in. Her eyes landed on Garroth. And someone else. Someone with red hair and blue eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand, tears running down her cheeks.

She ran towards the door, her shoes loudly echoing through the hallways, even though they couldn't be heard over sounds over her loud sobs. She could feel Garroth and the girl's eyes staring into her soul, judging her with her step that she took to get to the door. She sobbed even louder. She didn't know where to go; she definitely couldn't go back home, where her abusive father is waiting, but she definitely can't stay here.

Once she stepped out of the house, she just kept walking, in a daze, just thinking about what she has seen, trying to unscramble the emotions that she felt. Before she knew it, she was in unknown territory, a place that she had never known existed.

The sky was gray, the sun hid away from the world by a thin fog. It was covered in trees looking ghostly fingers that were reaching towards the sky, trying to break sun, trying to capture it. The trees bared no leaves, as they are all gathered on the ground in a disturbing dark red.

In the distance, she heard a growl. And then more growls joined in. She let out a blood-curdling scream.

Aaron's POV

"Take her inside, and wait until my approval to take her into my office," Aaron growled into the phone. He ended the call, feeling frustrated and annoyed by the information that his pack members have given him. He let out a heaving sigh and leaned back down in his office chair. Being an alpha was so stressful. Alpha Aaron, fix that. Alpha Aaron, this won't work. Alpha Aaron, he won't listen to me. Alpha Aaron, Alpha Aaron, Alpha Aaron. The calls just won't stop, the texts, the everything. He hated admitting it, but he really felt like he wasn't cut out for this alpha role. This life was way too fast-paced for him. He either has to quit, resign his position and give it to one of his pack members, or find someone to help with the responsibilities of the pack. Preferably, an alpha female, his alpha female. All he needed to have to stick to his Alpha position is his mate, then everything would be perfect. He had long lost his interest in being a good alpha. Being a good alpha became more of a burden over the years, more of a job than a loved responsibility. He needed his mate, he needed the inspiration to continue.

He felt so extremely frustrated with the fact that everything is piling up and everything that is done is so insignificant. He could finish a case in the pack, and by then it would seem so insignificant, something that his pack had been worried sick about days ago. But once he steps back into his office, 50, 60, 70 more cases pile up on his desks. If you knew anything about Aaron, he hates procrastinating.

Aaron is the type of guy that is work than play, but the problem is, there was always too much work, and so little time to play. He never had a girlfriend, Irene, he never even had his first kiss. He was waiting for his mate, but now the hope of his mate seems more like a lost cause, a forgotten childhood dream.

He finished up the case that he was working on, something about "stolen" frisbee or tennis ball, or something like that. How childish, he thought. Well, granted he can't act childish anymore, and he can't restrict other people for enjoying their youth just because he can't.

After getting out of his chair and sorting all of his files... again, he went outside his office and began the five-minute walk from his office to the lobby. The territory that Aaron owned was large and owned all sorts of buildings, the largest being the PackHouse. The Packhouse held all the pack members' rooms, well not really rooms, but kinda like apartments. There is also the security room, the dining room, the guest rooms, the "stranger" rooms, the lobby and Aaron's office. Inside the pack territory, there was cafes and restaurants, a pool, a beach, the battlefield, the training arena, the tech room, the parking lot and the entrance/exit with gates that are electric.

He finally got to the entrance of the lobby. The lobby had a chandelier hovering over the entire room and two doors that had been enchanted with a protection potion. The room was white with beautifully elegant gold designs carved into it. Aaron did a come here motion with his hand. The guard that was at the "stranger" door. The "stranger" room is a room that is made of metal and has enchanted cameras, so no matter what the cameras would never break. That room was used when an unidentified figure comes onto the pack territory, but cannot yet be treated as an enemy until they act like the enemy, if they are innocent, they are released.

He then turned around after hearing the command coming from the guard. He sat back down into his office and waited. And waited. And waited. Stilling waiting. Finally, there was a knock at the door. He looked over at the door, and smelt roses... and honey jasmine? He felt something. Something he never felt before. Mate.   

Author's Note: Yeah. That's right. Part 2 bABY. This would probably have multiple parts because this is a huge plot. Again, thank  @Super_jackiechan45 for the beautiful plot that you see (so far). 

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