Chapter II: Run Jade Run

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Jades POV

I got into the shower and was playing glee music, My favorite show. I was just sitting in the shower thinking about what happened with Ryan. Why didn't she turn away sooner? Does he like me? No, that's just stupid! He's in love with Aliyah. They're a cute couple. After a round ten minutes I got out of the shower and checked me phone. I saw I got a new text from Alexa.

"You're invited! I'm having a birthday party on April 11th. It's from noon-six. But you can stay the night Jade! Hope you can make it." I read Alexa's text out loud. Cool! I'm super excited. I texted her back saying that no matter what I would go. I dried my hair and curled it. I was heading to the mall alone. I wanted to get summer outfits. All mine don't fit me anymore. I live in Texas so it's hot all year. And now I just can't handle leggings. I got changed into some old summer clothes so my shirt looks like a crop top and my shorts are super short. "Mom! I'm going to the mall now!" I yelled out to my mom and had my hand on the doorknob to the front door.

"Okay sweetie! Have fun. You have the money I gave you right?" My mom replied, she was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Yup! Bye mom love you!"

"Love you too!" I opened the door and walked out. We have a city bus that I take everywhere. I walked to the bus stop and waited for a little. The bus isn't going to get here for  another 15 minutes. After a round three minutes I pulled out my phone and checked my snap maps to see if anyone was at the mall. One person was there, Claire. I don't talk to her but we're just friends on Snapchat. I saw that Ryan was not at his house. He was not even on his street. He next to my house? Why was he there. We never hang out on the weekends unless we text or I'm with Aliyah. I was thinking about texting him or heading back home but I decided not to. After about five minutes of being at my house he started walking down my street. Maybe he was taking a walk or something. I checked the time on my phone. 10:52. The bus doesn't come tell eleven so I'm going to be here for so long. I was looking  at the cars pass by and the people walking their dogs and riding bikes. Tell tell I say some guy run towards me. I looked around and saw no one in sight. I then got up out of the sea5 at the bus stop and started running.

"Jade! Get over here!" The person chasing me yelled. It sounded like a guy. I was so scared and out of breathe. I then ran onto a street that I knew lead to know where. Good job jade! I was still running down the street until I got to the end. I looked around for some where to run but there was nothing. I thought about going up to someone's door. Yeah, I'll do that! I was about to run up someone's drive way when someone, most likely the person chasing me for five minutes grabbed my hand and swung me around to face him. I was so stupid! It wasn't someone trying to hurt or kidnap me! It was Ryan! "Why were you running from me?" He said breathing normal. How is that possible!? I'm out of breathe.

"I thought you were someone trying to kidnap me or something..." I said shyly and looked at my feet while he laughed.

"Oh my gosh! That's so funny!" He said. He stopped laughing and looked me right in the eye. "We need to talk."


Aliyah's POV

Isabella and Olivia are sleeping over tonight. I wanted to invite all my friends. So I invited Olivia's boyfriend, Isabella's girlfriend, Jade, and Ryan. I haven't texted Jade or Ryan yet. But I'm doing that right now. I pulled out my phone and called Ryan. After a round three rings he picked up.

"Hello?" Ryan said and I smiled when I heard his voice.

"Hey Ryan, I'm doing a big sleepover and wanted to know if you could come" I said biting my finger nails.

"What'd she say?" I heard a whisper say from the other side of the phone. It sounded like a girl! Who is that female dog?

"She invited me to her big sleepover party thing." I heard Ryan whisper to the girl.

"I wasn't invited!" I heard her whisper yell and Ryan chuckled. So I must know her?

"Hello?l I said with annoyance in my voice.

"Oh yeah sorry, I'll totally come. Who's coming?" He asked

"You, Isabella, Olivia, Tyler, maya, and maybe Jade. I haven't asked her yet" I said.

"Oh okay cool. I'm with Jade right now so do you want me to ask her is she can go?" Ryan asked me. Oh okay, that's Jade he's with, that's fine. Wait! Why s he with Jade alone!? Okay Aliyah, calm down. They're friends, they're probably just hanging out.

"Yeah that'd be awesome! Thanks Ryan. It starts at 4 at my house. Hope to see you two there!" I said.

"Okay. Bye!" Ryan and Jade said at the same time before he hung up. He never hangs up with me! Because he always wants to talk to me more! But it's probably nothing.


Jades POV.

After Ryan hung up with Aliyah he looked me start in the eye with a serious face. "Now we can talk" Ryan said and I nodded.

"What's up?" I asked with concern.

"Okay so"


That's the end of Chapter two! Hope you enjoyed it and the cliffhanger 😏😏😂😂. I posted two chapters in two days? Yay. Also the title of this chapter is supposed to be like 'run joey run' it's a song. But a very old one so no one probably got it. I was singing that son* in my head the whole time I was writing this and didn't think of the name until right now! While, chapter three will be up ASAP.

~Katelyn 💋

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