Chapter X: Cut the Crap, Ryan!

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Ryan's POV

A week passed since the "fight" and I didn't look that hurt anymore. I Normally always win fights, but, since this one was with a girl I didn't try hard. But Zoey was strong surprisingly. When I got off the bus I started walking home. I haven't talked to zoey or Jade since the fight. I really wanted to make up with them though. Or at least jade. I was still mad at Zoey. But I want a rematch. I'll so win. When I finally looked behind me I saw jade and Robert walking and talking. Robert was supposed to come to my house. Why is he talking to her? I then decided to put away my pride and went over to them.

"Hey," Robert said to me and I smiled a little bit.

"Hi," I said and looked over at Jade. She was looking at the ground and you could tell it was awkward for her. When he finally looked up at me I nodded at her. She looked kind of surprised I was talking to her. She then smiled but it went away pretty fast and nodded back. The rest of the walk was silent. When jade finally turned right to walk to her house I wanted to call her name. But I decided not to and kept walking with Robert.

"Dude" Robert said causing me to look up at him. "Are you ever going to make up with her?" He asked and I sighed.

"Yah. I really wanted to right now but then didn't." I admitted and he then looked from me to jade who just finished crossing the street.

"Jade!" Robert called out making jade to turn to look at us. He did no just do that. I nudged him and he ignored me.

"Hm?" Was all jade said and didn't move.

"Can you come here?" Robert replied and I swear I wanted to tackle him. I ignored the urge and rolled my eyes slightly.

"Uh, sure" Jade said and walked towards us. This was actually the most embarrassing thing that ever happened. Besides the fight of course. "Yes?" She said when she finally came up to us. Robert then looked at me then back at jade. Jade turned to e and we were facing each other as Robert was just staring at us. "Um I'm um-" I cut her off and smiled then smirked.

"I know. It's alright" was all I said. We just kept looking at each other. He beautiful emerald eyes. Her pink plump lips. She was all I wanted right now. She was gorgeous, that I couldn't lie on. I then leaned in causing her to also. We were so close when I heard my name being called from across the street. I sighed and looked over to see a hurt Santana. Jade looked at her too then to the ground. Robert was chocked and confused.

"What the actual hell, Ryan!" Santana yelled so loud I think all the neighbors heard.

"Santana I-" I started but she cut me off.

"Cut the crap, Ryan!" She yelled and stormed off into the house. I looked at jade who licked her licked in embarrassment.

"I should go." Was all jade said. I nodded and watched her walk away. After around two minutes of jade being gone me and Robert hurried across the street to my house. I opened the door to right Santana on the couch with her phone in her hand.

"Santana..." I said and walked over to her leaving Robert by the door. She put up a hand wanting me to stop but I didn't. "What are you doing?" I asked and she looked up at me for a second then back at her phone.

"I'm calling a taxi." She said with no expression.

"To where?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Anywhere but here."


Jades POV

The second I got home I took out my phone. I dialed rains number and it ringed only once until she picked up.

"Hey." She said and when I started talking she could tell right away from the first word I was upset and sad.

"Okay, so" I started and took a big breath in then started talking. "So me and Ryan were walking home and we made up. Then we looked into each others eyes and leaned in. Right as we were about to kiss the girl Santana walked out of his house and saw us! She was mad, no, furious and stormed out. Ryan ran after her and it sucks rain! Every time we ma drown try to, um, kiss someone gets hurt. And it's bad because I really want to be with him Rain! But I can't without people getting hurt. And like he has like two other girls he likes so how am I supposed to know if I'm the one he really likes or the side chick!? Also he did say he didn't like me! But if he didn't why would he kiss me? That probably means I'm the side chick! But then who's the main chick? There's Aliyah and Santana. I mean I know Aliyah and Ryan broke up but he said he regrets it and still likes her! But if he did then wouldn't he try to make up with her-"

"Dude, Jade! Slow. Down." She said and I breathed in and out. "You have a lot on your mind. Why don't this weekend you come over and we can have a girl weekend? Drama free." She said which made me smile. Rain always knows how to make me happy again.

"Yah, that sounds like a perfect idea." I said while smiling. She talked me through it for the rest of the phone call until my parents got home. We said goodbye and hung up. The rest of the night I texted rain and watched Netflix.


Again. Sorry it's boring lol. Buy I'm gonna try to update this book every Monday (Phoenix time) from now on. Because I have three other books. But check those out too! Byeeee. Hope you enjoyed anyways lol.

~Katelyn 💋

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