Why Me?

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Only You - A WenSeulRene Fanfic
Chapter 21

A week has passed. Wendy's parents, Irene, Seulgi, Joy, Yeri and their managers took turns staying with her. Her room and even the hospital corridors were filled with flowers and gifts given by fans and people from the industry wishing for her fast recovery. Their sunbaes, hoobaes, and friends, even those from the other companies visited her. It has been 3 days since she was declared under coma. She has been transferred to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the hospital to make sure she gets enough fluids, nutrients and medicines needed by her body. There were lots of tubes and apparatuses connected to her to monitor her body functions especially her breathing and her blood pressure. The news spread quickly all over the world. Fans got more worried. They started to send support messages to the other members to cheer them up.

After lots of tests the doctors did to her and careful observations, they found out about the severity of her head injury. She is not responding to outside stimuli, like sound and light. To anything, even pain. Fortunately, all her internal organs are still functioning. No other complications. She's still healthy, though pale and gotten a bit skinnier. Her bruises and cuts have been treated accordingly and are now starting to heal.

The members continued what they normally do. They would immediately go to the hospital right after their individual and group schedules. They make sure they see Wendy at the end of everyday even just for an hour, no matter how late it is. They make sure she's being well taken care of. Irene and Seulgi spent most of the times with her. They just couldn't leave her to the point where the managers would literally plead to them to go home and have some rest. They said they wanted to be the first ones Wendy sees when she wakes up.

The room eventually felt like their second home. The doctors advised them to just continue treating her as they used to, like a normal healthy person. So they would casually gather around her, exchange jokes, laugh, tease, eat, play around, share stories about their day and even talk to her like she's listening to them though not responding. They would sometimes read letters to her. Letters that the fans gave them. They would let her listen to her favorite songs and spray some of her favorite perfume since the doctors advised them to.

But sometimes they couldn't help but feel sad. Because they miss her. They miss her voice, her laugh, her smile, her positive attitude that brightens their day, her advices, her cooking, her hugs, her warmth, even her no-jam jokes, her out-of-this-world comments, her greasiness, her everything. They simply miss their happy pill. They miss their one and only Olaf. But they have to be strong. They can't let their sadness consume them. They have to stay positive.

Seulgi always say things like "Don't be sad. Wendy wouldn't like that" Seulgi kept cheering everyone up and always reminding them to have faith that Wendy will wake up soon. The other members are all thankful to her for this. When they are starting to feel lonely and sad, she would always hug them and tell them positive things to brighten the mood.

Irene, on the other hand, always checks up on Wendy from time to time. Always looking out for possible bed sores from the prolonged lying down. She knows when it's time for the nurses to come and check up on her. Even the schedule of room service. She almost memorized every move they make. Whenever a nurse comes in, she would follow them around and look at what they're doing. Asking them like "How is she?", "Are there signs that she'll wake up soon?" She even helps them move her regularly so she won't develop bedsores and helps them massage her joints to stop them from becoming tight. She's very meticulous on everything. And when the nurses would come later than their usual schedule, she would personally go to the information desk to ask for them.

Today, Seulgi's on duty. It's 9pm and she's alone with Wendy. She was sitting on a chair beside Wendy's bed, holding her hand, like she always does. She decided to play some music for her. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and searched for what song to play. She couldn't seem to find a particular one so she decided to just put it on shuffle. She hit play and put down her phone on the bedside table. Their song "Only You" started playing

🎶 Every time I can, I think of you
You keep growing
I'm smiling because of you
All day, I can only see you

🎶 Should I try to be cool
And approach you first?
I'm whispering in your ear
I'm waiting for you~

Seulgi was shocked because it was the first one she noticed while searching for what song to play. As she was silently listening to the song, memories of the day Wendy sang and dedicated this song to her came to mind.

It felt meaningful to her since she's been having this feeling of confusion about her feelings for Wendy. Yes, for Wendy. She's been having these thoughts about her ever since the kiss. The night of the accident. Everything that happened that night. But most especially, the moment Wendy said she loves her. Those scenarios kept repeating in her head.

Seulgi was just silently staring at Wendy. She was so deep in her thoughts. She didn't notice that the song has already finished. Then their song "First Time" started to play

🎶 I don't know why
my heart is fluttering
It's my first time
I spent a black night white
We walk holding hands
Under the starry sky
Something is lacking~

That "I love you, Kang Seulgi" before the accident really hit her. She can still remember the look on Wendy's face when she turned to look at her

"Why am I so affected by those words? Why did I feel like my whole world stopped after hearing that? Is she really inlove with me? Why me?" Seulgi asked herself

Seulgi knows that there's no way Wendy was just kidding about that. She looked so serious and Seulgi saw the sincerity in her eyes. She knows Wendy wouldn't make that kind of joke. That sudden confession made her question her feelings for Irene. That maybe she was just infatuated with her. That it was just a crush. That maybe she's not actually inlove with her. She stopped thinking about Irene since then. She even gave up on confessing her feelings for her. Her feelings that she's now unsure of. Of course she still cares for Irene but not to that extent anymore. Her thoughts were filled with Wendy. No one else but Wendy. Now she's confused.

It's been almost a week since she's been thinking about this whenever she's alone. She wanted to tell this to the other members and ask what she should do but they were all busy. Or whenever they're free, they were just so tired that she didn't want to disturb them. She didn't have anyone to confide to. The more reason she misses her "forever best friend"

She just couldn't stop thinking about Wendy. About those times that she was always right there supporting her. Always behind her in everything she does. Making her smile whenever she feels sad, sharing her stories whenever she feels happy. Those moments that they shared together just between the two of them. Those times when Wendy took care of her. Those many times they talked about everything under the sun and stayed up late. Those times when Wendy cried with her during their trainee days. All those small gestures of her kindness suddenly came to her mind. All those praises and compliments. All those special treatments. All those times on variety and radio shows when Wendy said that she would date her if she was a man. Way back then she was always right there loving her silently. And she was shocked to the realization that maybe, just maybe, the reason she was hurt seeing that kiss wasn't because of Irene, but because of Wendy.

Then Seulgi came to her senses when she heard Wendy's last lines from the song

🎶 Today I realized how much I really love you for the first time

A/N: Hi there! Confused Seulgi bear is a concept lol. Comments are welcome! Thank you~

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