Staci Pratt x F!Deputy

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Rook knew something was up with Staci but she just wasn't sure what.

Staci was a talkative man. From the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep, he always had something to say. For the past two days, Staci has barely uttered a full sentence and that was unusual -- especially in the mornings when he would talk Rook's ear off telling her about the strange dream he had.

Staci was also the kinda man who put his work above all else. He was hungry? He wouldn't make him something to eat until his work was finished. Tired? He could sleep whenever but this report had a deadline and he wasn't going to let it go unfinished. But lately, he's been putting his work off in favor of sitting on the couch staring mindlessly at the TV.

Rook stood in the doorway of their shared bedroom with her arms crossed as she watched Staci sitting completely still at the kitchen table. It was currently 4 PM and she was rudely woken up from her nap by what sounded like someone coughing up their lungs.

With a devilish smirk plastered on her face she slowly and quietly approached Staci -- careful not to give her presence away. As she got closer to him she held her hands out, ready to rest one against his forehead and catch him in his "I'm fine, really." lie.

The floor creaked beneath her feet and Staci looked over his shoulder. Before he could register anything in his head Rook used one hand to grab his shoulder and pressed the back of her other hand against his forehead.

"I knew it!" She shouted, "You're sick!"

Staci shrugged her hand off his shoulder with a grunt, "Fine, you caught me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked

Staci sighed and looked up at her, "I love you but you baby me," He paused for a moment to take her hands in his then chuckled, "I didn't want you to worry."

"It's just the flu," She replied and rolled her eyes, "You're not dying or anything."

"It's not the flu," He argued, "Just a little cold, that's all."

Rook raised her brow and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead again, "Yeah, totally a little cold. You're burning up and if I recall, a cold only causes a slight fever."

"It's a cold," Staci insisted with a mumbled and turned back towards his laptop, "It'll be over soon. Besides, I'm alright feeling better."

Rook leaned over and shut his laptop, "I heard you coughing up your own damn lungs. Get in bed and I'll make you some soup."

"I appreciate you wanting to take care of me but I'm fine, honest. Just let me finish reading this report over and emailing Whitehorse back then I'll go lay down."

"I'm not going to argue with you. You're going to get your ass out of that chair and go lay down right now. Please don't make me fight you because you know I could beat you up."

Staci looked the woman in front of him up and down. She was strong, he had to admit that. But she was also very tiny. However, he knew this was a fight he wouldn't win given his current state of health and how insistent Rook was.

"Alright, you win," Staci stood from his chair and stretched his arms over his head, "How could I argue with that cute face?" He cooed as he pinched her cheeks.

Rook swatted his hands away and took a step back, not wanting to catch the flu, "Yeah yeah, stop stalling and get your cute ass in that bed."

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