An Actual Breakup...

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( Shoutout to danielarios406 )

(AN - So I know the dare is to break a couple up, so I will but I'll write it as if they chose to do it themselves.) Auntie_Bella

Me - I'm boredddd :(

Hermione - I'm sure you'll find something to do.

Me - But there's no dare today so I can't watch you suffer for my entertainment!

Draco - I'm scared...

(Suddenly we hear shouting coming from outside the room.)

Delphi - Who is that yelling?

Draco - Is that... my parents?

(A door slams and Narcissa walks in, crying.)

Draco - Mum?!

Cissa - I decided to end things with your father. He clearly didn't love me anymore, and he acts so mean...

Bella - I'm so sorry Cissy. (She hugs him.)

Harry - Lucius is a massive di-

Me - I agree.

Pansy - Was he the one who slammed that door just now?

Cissa - Yes... when I told him things just weren't working out anymore he got angry.

Draco - I can't say I didn't see it coming at some point...

Hermione - GROUP HUG!

(Everyone hugs apart from Sev.)

Tom - Uh, Snape? Are you still alive over there?

Delphi - He hasn't moved or spoke in like a week. Should we be worried?

Me - Nah. He just finished reading the cursed child and he's shook.

Hermione - That actually makes a lot of sense.

Me - Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer! Don't forget to leave truths and dares in the comments, -

Pansy - Bye sisters!

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