Chapter 1- The Brothers

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

Paul and I are brothers, I'm 17 and he's 18, working with Ozpin to stop the evil, but unfortunately we're doing odd jobs. At least we get paid. Paul and I are sneaking on a ship, docked at the pier, we have speculations that the White Fang are gonna attempt to steal a dust shipment. This isn't the first time this has happened, and this isn't the first time they tried to steal a shipment from a ship. 

Paul and I sneak up to a crate, leaning against it, and I peak around the corner, gesturing to Paul he can move across the path to the other crate. I look across from me, nodding at Paul, and we wait and watch. 

A bullhead lands in the center of the ship, a WF Lieutenant, along with a couple dozen WF members, walks out of the bullhead on to the pier. 

WF Lieutenant: Start hooking up the crates. We need to get in and out, as quickly as possible! 

The many White Fang members begin going to different crates, hooking them. Paul and I nod at each other, going around the other side of our respective crates, and I start sneaking. I peak around the corner, and quickly duck back around the corner, leaning against the crate. A White Fang member comes around with a hook, and I grab him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I choke him while slowly crouching down to the ground, and I snap his neck, laying him quietly on the ground. 

Jack: Sorry it had to come to this. 

I stand back up, leaning against the crate again, and I peak around the corner of it. Spotting the White Fang Lieutenant is gone. I turn around to come face-to-face with him, as he grabs me by the throat, and throws me into the center of the pier by the bullhead, where I bounce on the ground a couple of times, coming to a stop on my stomach being propped up by my elbows. The Lieutenant draws his chainsaw, while walking toward me, and I roll out of the way as his chainsaw slams into the ground. I unsheathe my sword, blocking the Lieutenant's chainsaw from above, and I have my hand by the tip of the blade to put more pressure on both sides. Paul comes from behind me, kicking the Lieutenant in the chest, flipping off and landing next to me, unsheathing his sword. 

Paul: Leave my brother alone. 

WF Lieutenant : Well. Looks like this is going to be more interesting than I originally thought. How do you hope to stop all of us? 

The White Fang start circling us. 

Jack: Oh. Stopping the White Fang is our specialty. 

The Lieutenant raises his hand. 

WF Lieutenant: Stop! I'll handle these two myself!

Paul and I charge at the Lieutenant, I block his attack with his chainsaw, and Paul follows it up by striking him in the chest with his sword. The Lieutenant staggers back from the impact, but comes back quicker than we thought, and I just barely dodge his chainsaw as it swings inches from my face. Paul blocks it, but the impact still sends him flying into a crate, slamming on to the ground. 

Jack: Paul! 

I jump back, out of the way of his chainsaw, and I lunge forward managing to strike him with my sword. He comes back with his chainsaw again, I duck it, but the Lieutenant kicks me on the side of my face, and I rotate to land on the floor on my stomach. I turn on to my back, as his chainsaw is coming down toward me, but Paul blocks it keeping it at bay. I roll out from under, picking up my sword, and I jump on to his chainsaw, and up into the air. I come down, striking the Lieutenant in the face with my sword, and when I land back on the ground, Paul lunges forward plunging his sword into the Lieutenant's chest. 

Paul: If only it didn't have to be like this. 

Paul pulls his sword out and the Lieutenant's body falls to the ground. Paul and I look out to the other White Fang members, and they seem hesitant to attack. 

Jack: We're giving you a chance. I say you take it. 

The remaining Fang members all run back into the bullhead, and it flies away. 

Paul: That won't be the last time we see them. 

Jack: Yeah. Unfortunately. Lets get back to Oz. 

Paul and I fly back to Beacon, and step into Ozpin's office. 

Ozpin: Ah, you two are back. I'm sure you completed the mission. 

Paul: We did.

Ozpin: Good. Stopping them from stealing another shipment hinders what they could possibly do. 

Jack: Yeah. They seemed pretty serious about this shipment. They had one of those Lieutenants with them this time. 

Ozpin: Hmm. Sending a Lieutenant. 

Paul: Yeah. That one's dead now. We killed him, we had to. 

Ozpin: I see. 

Jack: Oz. I can't express to you how much I'm tired of these constant jobs, stopping the White Fang from stealing dust. I want something more exciting. 

Ozpin: Mr. Flame, I can't express to you how important these jobs are. Keeping the Fang from getting what they want is a good move.

Jack: I know. The Fang has spun out of control. 

Paul: I wish we had more people to help us. 

Ozpin: That would be the best situation. But Qrow is out on another mission, and the others are out somewhere else, doing who knows what. It's just you two. 

Jack: There's no one else at this school who could help us?

I grab a scroll off his desk, looking through the students, stopping at a certain person. 

Jack: How about this Caleb Sieks? He seems like a good choice, says he has the power of the Fire Lord. Whatever that is. 

Ozpin: He is a good choice, yes.

Jack: Then let's get this guys help. It would take some pressure off of us. Come on, Oz.

Ozpin: He's not ready. 

Jack: But you just said.

Ozpin: I know what I said. I said he was a good choice, I didn't say he was ready. He still has a journey to go through, to get to that point. 

I put the scroll back down on his desk, keeping my hands on it leaning on it, while I hang my head down. 

Paul: What's our next move?

Ozpin: The Forest of Forever Fall. 

Jack: That place? What's wrong with it? 

Ozpin: We have been notified of Grimm activity there, but there's something different about them. 

Paul: How different?

Ozpin: They just seem different. Their behavior isn't the same. It's almost like they're following something, something that isn't usually there. I want you two to check it out, see if you can figure it out. And if need be, put a stop to it. 

Paul: We're on it. Come on, Jack. 

Jack: Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. 

I follow Paul out to the bullhead parked in front of Beacon, and as we're walking to it, we see students walking into the ballroom. 

Paul: New students. 

Jack: They're gonna have quite the time here. 

Paul and I continue into the bullhead, and we fly to the Forest of Forever Fall. 

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