Boys Over Flowers (K)

141 0 8


The poor but vivacious Geum Jan-di receives a scholarship to attend the exclusive Shinhwa High School. She dislikes her wealthy classmates, especially the four best-looking and most powerful boys in the school, who are known as the F4. Their leader, the arrogant Gu Jun-pyo, singles out Jan-di to bully, but she stands up to him, and he begins to fall in love with her. However, she has already developed feelings for his best friend and fellow F4 member, Yoon Ji-hoo. As Jan-di continues to get entangled in the F4's world, everyone's friendships and feelings become complicated.


Ku Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di

Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo

Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo

Kim Bum as So Yi Jung

Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin

My review:

Rate- 10/10 This is the nation kdrama everybody xD And if I'm not mistaken, this is my first ever kdrama. I've been a fan of Lee Min Ho since then. The cast visual is perfect <3 Jun Pyo's curly hair is life xD Although it is a cliche drama, where the rich guy fall for the poor woman, it's good. I wish someone would love me the same way as Jun Pyo love Jan Di xD Kim Bum is so cute here xD I actually ship him with So Eun because they look good together <3 Nothing much to say about this drama because I am sure most of us already watch this. For those who haven't, I totally recommend this drama. You will definitely like it<3

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