Chapter 18

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I have no idea Why I drew this... It's like... ONLY for this Fic. Whatever, he's cute. 


(Roy's POV)

He was curled up in the sleeping bag again when I opened the door, though this time he was sitting on top of the chair with his feet hanging off the edge. Day four of six... I guess.

I wonder what the client was doing right now? He hasn't called at all to check in on his pick up. Was he preparing for when his new 'prisoner' came in? Was he prepared for his cuffs to be 'accidentally' unlocked. Or to have the knockout dart 'wear off too fast.'

I wonder what Johnny would do to him.

I wonder what he WILL do him.

"Don't you ever sleep?" I had to ask. Every time I see him like this, early in the morning (even though I kept the lights on, so I don't think his body could understand the time shift) he looks tired.

"Not in a long time. I was in a sleep study once, for insomniacs. They said I started showing improvements, but I stopped going. I would go months without sleep, but when I was in the program I was able to sleep almost once a week. I think it's getting worse again."

"Why'd you stop going?"

"... THEY told me it was a waste of my time. That going to the meetings and that sleeping was a waste. I liked the doctors there, I wonder if they miss me?"

"Do you dream when you sleep?"

"Nothing I could remember. Do you dream?"

"Sometimes. They're not pleasant, but sleeping pills knock me out so hard I can't remember them. It's not that bad. Do you want to make breakfast with me? What would you like?"

A nod came, and we decided on eggs before he followed me up the stairs. I still had all the doors locked. I even took the necklace off, hiding the key on another part of my body just in case, but I don't think he needs to be held down like a dog anymore. Probably.

I let him run to the upstairs bathroom, getting him a new change of clothes while I waited for him. And I was strangely delighted when he walked out, dressed all in black and smelling like mints

"You like the shampoo? I could get another brand if you want. Anything you like?"

"Not really. Haven't taken a decent shower in a while. Normally just coat everything in antiseptic and sanitizers. Where everything's bitter and burning. And smells like a cheap hospital."

"Why no shower? Doughboys didn't let you, or was it broken, or...?" I asked, cracking four eggs onto the pan, two in each hand (and getting the whites god damn EVERYWHERE, cause I can't aim). They immediately started to sizzle and fry.

"It's filled with fluids. And body parts. And different chemicals to drain the fluids from those parts..." He stood near the fridge, looking awkward... and annoyed (at how obviously awkward he knew he looked).

"Speaking of fluids, could you write down 'orange juice' to the list taped to the fridge?" I asked, tossing a felt-tipped marker at him.

The soft felt seemed to be the only thing I used to write with, in this house, aside from the pencils I kept in my room. They were soft and smooth, and it was hard for anyone to cause damage with them if they found one.

Johnny caught the marker with ease, scribbling it down on the paper. He set it back down on the counter, before slowly starting to chuckle to himself.


"This is just so bizarre! This is weirdly the most tranquil, close to normal few days I think I've EVER had! A far as I can remember at least."

"Heh, I like how being kidnapped and captivated is your version of a good weekend." He smiled at that, and I couldn't help but laugh. It's ridiculous. Everything about this has been ridiculous!

As abnormal as my life normally is, this is the weirdest it's been in a while. "You want cheese in these?"

"Nah," he said, opening up the fridge, "You want milk?"

"Sure." And as abnormal as this all was. This is the most normal my life has been too. My phone rang loudly through the house as I poured out the cooked eggs onto a plate. I ran to the living room, where I had left it, picking it up. It was the client. "Hello?"

"Is he still there!?" The voice said, raspy and terrified, similar to how he sounded when he first confronted me about the offer.

"Uh, yeah, he's still in the basement, why?" Johnny's head poked through the walkway, looking at me from the kitchen as I walked back to make some toast.

"Is he awake?"

"Why does that-"

"IS HE AWAKE!?" Johnny tilted his head, able to hear the scream through the speaker. I just looked at him as he shrugged.

"N-no? He's asleep. Or unconscious, whichever you wanna call it." I said, shrugging back at Nny. I held my finger to my lips at Johnny, putting the phone on speaker so I could continue making food. (And being lazy.)

"Has... has he tried to escape?"

"A few times, but I think he's learned to lesson," I winked at him as he shoveled the eggs into his mouth. He almost choked at how surprised he was at the gesture but tried to stop himself. He didn't want the mysterious voice to hear him after all.

(Nny's POV)

The stranger on the other line talked and rambled. Asking questions Roy seemed too bored to answer.

I almost wanted to laugh at how funny it all was. Like a shitty nineties sitcom where everyone is a terrible person. So... yeah, a nineties sitcom (just, all of them, really).

The glances that he gave me while the caller talked were mischievous. Playful and almost provocative in a scene. Fun in a way that, one wrong noise could fuck it all up. It was both thrilling and not at the same time, it was only over the phone after all. If there was more at stake it would be more exciting, but I digress.

The looks he gave me over the table made me feel like I was going to break a rib from the inside. Like my organs churned, as if someone had stuck a screwdriver directly into my lungs and stomach in one piercing blow. Yet somehow, the feeling was not entirely unpleasant.

It was a familiar feeling. Something I didn't get often, but it was still familiar.

And I needed it to stop.

Meat and Fluids (JTHM Fanfiction) (Nny x Me)Where stories live. Discover now