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Today when i look into the mirror,i realise how drastically nerdy school girls can transform mature women though a lil bit of the "geeky"ness left...

It all began,when i myself not knowing how to respond to the hormonal changes in the soo called "thrilling teenage"...

Being a bookworm,theoretically we are not allowed to talk to boys,hang out with them,laugh on their jokes or create nuisance in the classroom,make fun about teachers and so on...

So we actually envy people who can do that..though the apparent feeling is hating those bad boys,but later we realise its jst a phase when we are a lil jealous.

Similar things happened with me and suddenly i felt the need to have somebody who could groom me a lil bit for me to experience weird things in life...

And luckily i dint hv to go searchin for one...

He was one of my friends..

yes the adventure began!

As we got to know each other,we realised that not only poles apart that we were...we could actually argue on anything and we had much to talk on..discuss our differences and ofcourse we dint realise it though ,sparks flew immediately

The journey was not a chic a cherry cola,but it had its own charm..

Nothing actually emerged till the time we people became all suspicious about the growing friendship between the cool yet clumsy footballer,the hero of the class,the boy next door and ofcourse the not so admired geeky gal!

I am sure girls envied my closeness to him bt we were least bothered amidst bridging our own differences...!

So it all began on a 'not so sweet' note..

But yes,the end is far far admirable ..

Keep connecting virtually!

Happy reading ...

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