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hey guys,

first of all i apologize for d delay in uploading the chapter.i hope you'll are still hooked to it.


i had the most joyful time in school in grade 9 just because i and my chocolate boy spent almost every second together.

everything was superr sweet and happening between the two of us!

everything was like a DREAM COME TRUE for me!

never in my life,was i soo happy.

never in my life,i smiled and laughed my heart out like i did when i was with him.

never in my life ,somebody or something had been so very romantic in my life.

never in my life,did i love being in love !

WAIT ...

was all of this, "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!" ...???

                CHAPTER 13

             OCTOBER 2010

and finally the month that we always waited for.not just the two of us,but all our friends,acquaintances,well wishers who were pretty much tired of questioning us on our weird love story,waited for us to complete a year togethe

our so called "first  dating anniversary" was the first of its kind in school and hence grabbed all the attention.

yes,1st of october 2010 was a celebration.

well,not a "dhinchak" one ,but sweet enough in its own unique way ...

right from the silliest guy to the nerdiest girl in the class had wished us.

but the agony was,we both dint even congratulate each other.

god knows what was it that made us that shy!!

we just couldnt get that perfect eye contact!

neither could we look into each other's eyes ,nor could we utter a word.

i realised, the excitement and ecstasy that i felt in my heart would explode if i would face him.

and i think,it was too cheesy for his cool attitude to come and wish his girlfriend.

well,we made up for all of this at the end of the day,by enjoying a sweet little chocolate sharing moment.and well,our wide smiles that stretched all day long,said it all.

we knew,we were unique but that day we realised,we were tremendously special for each other.

though having the quietest and calmest anniversary celebration.

isnt that weird??

but we were always like that dude!

well he was die hard romantic,but

i was a romance spoiler.

i even failed to understand when he used to hit on me.

and may be thats what made him want me more.

but our poles apart attitudes started creating problems soon after a year had passed.

we had our crucial year approaching.

"grade 10" is supposedly the most important year for every school kid.

we always used to have silly fights,but they would usually not last more than a day,because neither of us could just resist.


i prefered concentrating on my studies than resolving our silly quarrels.whereas he was just tired of handling those arguements.

one-day fights now stretched to half a week or so.

i had been happily helping him with his assignments for a year.

now,they were all just an obligation !

he never missed a chance to compliment me.

now,it had almost stopped !

friends, curious...

enemies, happy...


what was wrong with us!


next chapter coming up soon...

LOVE THAT LASTS FOREVER! (on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant