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sorry for the delay friends!

wasnt really excited to write further this week.

but this chapter specially dedicated to all those who were waiting eagerly.

love you all!!


this one's sweet !




the new academic year, new classrooms ,our 9th grade,new uniforms , new teachers , new acquaintances, new friends and yes,

we both,

happily together! :)

we had found different ways to spend time with each other in school without letting our teachers suspect us.

At around 6 : 30 in the morning, when the sky was partially blue,and the cold breeze swayed away,we used to meet some meters away from school and then walk down together.

we were almost inseparable in the little time that we used to get , before our morning prayers and after the school ended!

and all this time, we had our friends, whose eyeballs used to be glued at us ,some even trying to overhear what the hell we used to talk EACH DAY,EVERY MINUTE!

though i dint realise it, i had started opening up, transforming from a silent and introvert studious girl to a cheerful ,extrovert and chirpy one.most importantly,

i was my original self when i was with him.

"i am a kid when i am with him"

i used to hear myself say this,

looking in the mirror and wondering what did he see in me,

for i , dint even consider myself pretty or anything near to a "girlfriend material".whereas he had everything that a girl wanted in her MR.PERFECT.

suddenly i wanted to try new hairstyles,wanted to dress up,wanted to groom myself.

but it wasnt that easy!

i wasnt among those type of girls who used to fit in something that wasnt even supposed to be for them.

moreover,it was HE who convinced me to stick to myself.

he was the one who said that he liked me the way i was.

he was the one who convinced me to be the simple girl that i was from the beginning.

he did all that it took to become a "PERFECT BOYFRIEND"

and a relationship works best only when both the counter parts realise that they have got something more than they ever deserved.

yes,we werent perfect,we had our own flaws.

i being extremely pampered at home,had this dominating personality that our fights usually ended when he apologized and i said " whatever !".

whereas,on the other hand,

he was the one who would commit the same mistakes again and again,making me shed a million teardrops .

yet, each time,i forgived him.

in the first phase ofour relationship everything came to me as a surprise.right from the proposal to discovering his dual character.

yes,he was just like an onion.i had to peel off every layer to know whats within.because whats on the surface wasnt representative of the person he actually was.

he seemed to be a happy go lucky,carefree and a cool dude.but what i realised when i peeped into him is that, he was someone who would not show his feelings and infact express the least.

it was almost going to be a year for our togetherness,

yet i felt like a stranger in his life ,every time he used to disclose something.

i wouldnt blame him because i was someone who would love to speak more and listen less.

and to my surprise i had found a guy who was exactly the opposite.

but everything was superr sweet and happening between the two of us!

we enjoyed the time we spent together.

everything was like a DREAM COME TRUE for me!

never in my life,was i soo happy.

never in my life,i smiled and laughed my heart out like i did when i was with him.

never in my life ,somebody or something had been so very romantic in my life.

never in my life,did i love being in love !

WAIT ...

was all of this, "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!" ...???


hugs ,


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