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* Friendship day special *

today, on the eve of friendship day, 3rd of august 2014, i would like to dedicate this chapter to those wonderful angels who came into our life ,"our life" ,meaning the two of us, the love birds that you have been reading about !

yes ,all this time,i made you'll feel the love that we shared.

but today , i say this from the bottom of my heart,that if it wouldnt have been the efforts,love,care,warmth and concern of all our loving common friends,it wouldnt have been as beautiful as it is today!

yes,they helped us in every phase.right from the proposal,to solving our million fights even today,they have always been there.

i recollect those silly moments,when our friends helped us to pass messages during lectures,and messages that we dint want to tell them were passed through paper chits,well through them itself.

sometimes they enjoyed their share of fun by opening up our thise chits and well,all we could do is ,BLUSH!

they were the ones who made our so called "dating anniversaries" special as also helped us to share gifts during birthdays !

they threatened us about letting our secrets known to our teachers ,most of the times,though all that was to have fun,

many a times they also saved us from suspicion !

i believe,the only creatures on this earth who can understand girls,are girls themselves.

so whenever,we had a fight ,and i was on "NO TALKING " terms with him,he had this solution ready-hand.he would ask my dear girl friends to convince me.and within no time the fight was resolved.

on the other hand,boys are the ones who have the inborn talent to complain about boyfriends to their respective girlfriends.

so,his friends were the one who used to keep me updated about all his activities so that i could catch hold of him!

some contributed by cheering for us,some congratulated us,some wished for our lifelong togetherness,

whereas the others,

including YOU,

showed your love towards us,

by reading ,sharing and voting for


in a nutshell,our friends were priceless,and will always be.



love you all...


this time from me as well as my MR.PERFECT!

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