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Ola guys!!

First of all thank you all for such an overwhelming response.its so amazing to check out the views,votes and comments! I dedicate This chapter to all those who have really appreciated my'll are great! love you..



Happy reading!


1 OCTOBER 2009

A date that ill never forget,a date that made me feel special,the date when i felt i am on cloud nine,yes the date when he finally proposed..!!

Ok now as school girls we expect a lavish, romantic, exotic, splendid proposal.but nothing of that sort actually happened.ours being a "HATKE" love story right from the beginning HAD TO HAVE a weird proposal too.and thanks to my sweetheart!

one of our common friends accidently came to know about our attraction to each other.knowing that none of us would approach the other,he had to take the initiative and literally force my guy to take a RISK!

Yes,i call it a risk,because proposing girls like me was like expecting a rejection well in advance.we were those "i like you,u like me,but we are just GOOD FRIENDS" types.

Bt never in my dreams did i imagine that he will be desperate to make me his girlfriend when he wasnt even a teen!

Yes,u read it right!

"Do u like him?" A common friend asked ,pointing out to my mr.perfect having wide eyes stressing on the phrase "like in that sense!!!"

So shocked that i was i almost fumbled, "excuse me,in what sense?" And my eyes definitely wider,larger and bulkier than his!

"See,we know that you are not interested in anything except studies,but he is ready to accept you the way you are! and TRUST me he is really a nice guy!"

" excuse me,first of all, who the hell told you that i am not interested!"

And before he could digest the truth in my words and the disgust in my tone i quickly had my second reply,

"and why the hell should i TRUST YOU! Who are you?"

And by this time i already had butterflies in my stomach!yes,i was overwhelmed!

But i could not show the joy right?!

In India, when its your first relationship a PERFECT PROPOSAL and a POSITIVE RESPONSE is definitely a must!!!

But unfortunately in our case both were a little procrastinated.

It took me 5 days to actually digest the fact that MR.POPULAR had given me an indirect proposal.

But finally on the 1st of october 2009,a day just before he turned 13,i think i gifted him a perfect gift for his birthday! (i hope i did :P )


i finally said to him biting my lower lip and brushing the strand of hair on my face to hang it behind my ears.

"Really are you serious?"

He exclaimed and i could actually see his eyeballs bulging out.even eye contact seemed difficult at that special moment.yes,we were that shy!!!


I said and walked away as to hiding my shy smile which eventually turned into a giggle...

Never in my dreams did i imagine this!

And since that day,this date has been so special and it will always be, until my last breath.

But was he going to stay forever?

Was mr.popular even serious about it?

Wont we have issues for we being opposites?

And what about our rivalry?does it still exist?

These were the questions which bugged me a day or two after ...

Are they bugging you too?


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Love you all!!

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