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Thanks a ton everyone for all the love!you'll rock..

                       CHAPTER 7

                             JANUARY 2010

"No,we are'nt letting it out"

i said firmly clenching my fist.

"But why?you're serious right?"

He said,looking straight into my eyes.i could clearly feel the concern.

Instantly His gaze made me uncomfortable and i looked down to avoid eye contact ...

Then suddenly our heads turned to the right, then the left, and we heard boys and girls coming up the staircase.

Shit! the break was over and the bell rang.

oh god! we had to rush. We had to run to our class!

We often played these hide and seek games.we used to meet in the LESS VISITED areas of our school,which included places like the library as well as the principal's desk.even timing were well decided in advance.because we had actually hid our relationship status from all our friends of ourse to avoid all sorts of questions from them.

And this is what we were arguing about.i wanted it to keep it under wraps and not let it out so soon.but he wanted to tell it to the world.

You know Boys lack the ability to think about the they live in the present.whereas we girls,specially those having complicated relationships, have a million "what if ?" questions in our mind. Some of my list were:

1. What if teachers suspect us and they feel that i have lost my mind and my hold over studies ?

2.What if the news spreads like wild fire and our friends haunt us with their "HOW COME YOU BOTH" questions?

3.What if my parents come to know?

So,we ended up,meeting only before school,in the break and after school.our conversations became shorter day by day!ofcourse this wasnt acceptable.we had to behave like strangers in school!

As it was the first relationship for BOTH of meant a lot,it was indeed special.and in any worst case ,we couldnt let it die.we couldnt let it go.we just couldnt avoid each other for the sake of avoiding questions!

So we needed a way out..

Was there any?

Or were we going to accept defeat?

LOVE THAT LASTS FOREVER! (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now