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"we need to talk!"

i uttered after considering all the prospect replies to this statement of mine.

but as usual,an unpredictable reply came up.

"we need to do many things apart from talking also,but fine,i will compromise.(*winked)

tell what you want to!"

he acted smart and diplomatic.

it annoyed me.

i came straight to the point.

"people are saying,your dating another it true?"

i asked,avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with my school uniform.

i couldnt make out his facial i waited for his voice to fall on my ears.

never were my eardrums so eager!

finally ...

" no! are you mad! who told you that !! "


i breathed out.

"umm,actually i heard two people talking about it.well,i am sorry,if you were offended!i just wanted to get clear in my mind.i mean,it doesnt bother me but just,for the sake of general knowledge!"


i spoke rubbish.

how stupid of me!!

i wanted to bang my head to the black board after uttering this nonsense.

"oh,'general knowledge' i see!"

he said,smiling slyly.

i bit my lower lip hard.

ouch,it hurt!

" bye, sorry, thank you!"

i left.

somewhere in my heart,i felt relieved.

but what if , what he spoke ,wasnt the truth.

after all,he seemed a little fake out there.

"common friends!!!" yippe!i jumped.

the lunch break was too short for my adventures.but i somehow managed.

i asked some of our friends about the rumour that was spreading about my ex-boyfriend.

"yes, he is dating that short girl in the other division.but i tell you,you were a far better choice!"

a girl said,as if i dint know,i was a better choice :/

"umm,i dont know exactly,but yes i had once seen him talking to a tiny girl after school !"

a guy said,trying to play it safe :\

"why are you so curious?what's the big deal if he is in another left him.he dint,okay!"

his bloody friends ,added fuel to the fire :/

i felt ashamed.

i felt suppeerrr guilty.

was i making a fun out of myself?

why was i acting so desperate!

it was none of my business!

all in all,

3 things disturbed me.

1.i wasnt able to digest that he had started lying to me.

2.i hated it when my friends laughed at my ventures of finding out the truth.they felt i was crazy.

3.i myself dint know why the hell was i interfering in his personal life.

but now,everyone was pretty sure that he was seeing other girl.

i could'nt believe that he was over his past relationship that lasted for a year.

i hated that bloody tiny new girlfriend of his.

i hated every bit of her!

that bitch had stolen my cheesy boy.she had snatched my love.

it was always an awkward situation when we bumped into each other during school prayers and library sessions.

it felt like pulling her hair and bashing up her ugly nose.

but was it really her mistake?

she fell for him the way i did 2 years back.infact i should have sympathized with her because i knew he loved me and she was just a sheer result of infatuation !

poor girl !

then ,

who was to be blamed?,for breaking up?

2.him,for dating another girl?

3.that bitch,for dating my ex-boyfriend?

everything seemed correct and wrong at the same time (though there was'nt anything wrong in it)

only i,could help myself!

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stay tuned:)
lots of love ,

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