Chapter 21

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"Royal Bonded Dyn'ad," a voice called, disturbing Dyn'ad from his training drills. One of the messager boys appeared it was a different one who had spoken to Dyn'ad earlier. "General Yerir'o has arrived," the youngling dutifully announced. "He wanted to see if you were free for a private meeting before the war council," he added, his wings stiff and to attention. 

"Where is he?" Dyn'ad asked, climbing out the training ring. He dimly prodded his mates, finding Tai'ray and Nel'os easily. Tai'ray was radiating irritation at whatever he was having to deal with. Nel'os was happy and enjoying himself with Cai'ress. Apparently letting the k'nairi know they hadn't stopped being interested in them just because they had Ryraso in their talons. As for Ryraso, the link let him feel that Ryraso was still in Navat but there wasn't much happening on his end of the link. 

The aide told him and Dyn'ad dismissed him, putting the staff back on its rack. He ran his hand done the wood frowning as he focused on Ryraso's mind. He wasn't good at reading the link like Tai'ray and Nel'os but Dyn'ad could still tell when something wasn't right. He mentally poked at Ryraso again gently. The man's mind stirred, almost like it was a person turning over in their sleep, but didn't really project much. It was like Ryraso was asleep but it was different somehow. It was like Ryraso was much deeper than simply being asleep. 

"Dyn'ad?" Tai'ray sent softly, feeling his mate's concern.

"Ryraso doesn't feel right," Dyn'ad admitted as he moved to the window. He had two opinions on how to return to the castle. With Ryraso's mind still not responding, even with Tai'ray trying to make him stir, Dyn'ad decided to take the quicker route back to the castle. He jumped out and caught the wind in his wings.

Tai'ray was silent for a moment. "He feels asleep... very deeply asleep but asleep," Tai'ray said strangely. It wasn't telling Dyn'ad he was wrong to worry. If anything Dyn'ad could feel Tai'ray's own growing concern. It wasn't normal for someone to feel so distinct.

"Do you think the priest did something?" Dyn'ad asked darkly. 

"Who else?" Tai'ray all put growled. "Head to the temple. That's your best bet for it it was them," Tai'ray commented with an explanation he could not escape just yet. Three nobles were currently shouting loudly in front of him about something Tai'ray really did not care about and was clearly not paying attention too. 

"I shall," Dyn'ad agreed, giving Tai'ray a mental nuzzle of encouragement. He could feel how tense Tai'ray's shoulders were and his mate needed all the support he could get. Dyn'ad shifted in the wing and headed directly to the entrance to the temple. A few guards glanced over at him as he flew over but no one stopped him. Only the Royals were allowed to fly over the palace grounds like he was. Dyn'ad kept his mind fixed on Ryraso and let his wings led him to Ryraso's location. 

The air was damp from the morning rain and the weight of it felt nice against his wings. Normally it would have made him feel refreshed but he was more concerned with finding his future mate. He landed in the temple corridor and walked up to the door determinedly. Raising his hand, Dyn'ad went to knock but a hand reached through the door and pulled him through suddenly. 

"Bonded Dyn'ad," High Priest Ton'enth greeted, looking slightly wild.

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