Chapter 2

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Chris rapped on the half open, intimidating large door.  When no one answered she pushed it open a little further and slinked in.  She kept her hand on it, not sure if she should leave it open or closed.  She cursed her lack of experience in an office setting.  What was the proper protocol?

Mr. Lake sat at simple wooden desk, easily three times the size of hers, with a hand to his forehead.  He was concentrating very hard on whatever paperwork was in front of him.  She felt, despite Jocelyn's message, that she shouldn't be there.

This did not appear to be the man Jocelyn had described.  He seemed completely distant, too focused, maybe even a little cold.  She was petrified.

"Mr. Lake?" she said quietly.  His head shot up immediately and he narrowed his eyes when he saw her.

Then, like a light switch, his eyes warmed and his cheeks pulled up into a smile exposing his white teeth and some very handsome crow's feet.  His eyes seemed to brighten instantly.

"Ms. Miller," he said gently.  He waved his hand in her direction towards the chairs in front of his desk.  He stood and they exchanged a very solid handshake, when he sat back down she sat in the left chair.  "I'm so glad to have you join us.  Mr. Broadway spoke very highly of you."

"Thank you Mr. Lake."

"Are you excited to be a part of our team?" he asked sweetly.  It was hard to believe the hard man she saw not a minute ago was now being so warm.

"Um, yes, although I'm not sure exactly what my role is," she said honestly.  She felt a little embarrassed, as if she should've known.

But they had not had an interview, at all.  She hadn't even met with anyone in the office, an HR person, an office manager, no one.  Mr. Broadway had made the call and a few days later he'd told her where to be and when.  It hadn't occurred to her how strange that was until a few days before she was to start.  They hadn't even asked for a resume.

"Oh, well that's easy enough; you're going to help me with anything I need.  Could be placing an order for lunch one minute and calling my attorneys the next.  Could be picking up some documents, could be ordering tickets for a trip overseas."  She felt the redness returning to her skin.

So I'm a freaking personal assistant, she thought to herself while keeping a mild smile on her face.

"The most important thing," he continued obviously not recognizing her reaction, "is that you will be there for me when I need you.  I have a lot going on right now outside of regular business affairs that I'm going to need help with.  I assume," he said under his breath, "that you know about my son."

"A little," she said praying that was the right answer.  It was.  He smiled wide and stood up again.  His eyes were truly endearing.  They were the lightest shade of blue she'd ever seen, almost neon.

He turned and faced the wall of window he had had his back to.  Chris finally looked and nodded slightly to herself.  As she had suspected the view was incredible.  She could see the small city in it's entirety as well as the beach it backed up to.  The sun was continuing to rise to the right and was shining just perfectly into his office.

"I trust Ms. Miller that you have an understanding of the sensitivity of the return of my son."

Besides what Jocelyn had mentioned she had no idea what he was talking about.  Apparently in her spare time with the kids she should've been reading the newspaper rather than cleaning up their messes and restoring toys to their rightful places.

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