Chapter 21

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The next day as much as she didn't want to she left Ryan sleeping peacefully in her bed. His skin, his facial structure, the way the sheets just barely covered his tight butt, everything about him was beautiful.

They had stayed up late last night talking, among other things, and they had agreed to take a trip to visit his grandfather. He lived in a town just a couple of hours away where Ryan had grown up, still in the same house he'd raised him in. Chris was a volcano of excitement. She couldn't wait for their little road-trip and she definitely couldn't wait to meet the man that was so important to Ryan. She was exhausted but it had all been worth it.

The LakeAssociates building had a completely different feel to her now. She found that she wasn't on edge or nervous as she had been her first day, just last Monday. She was dressed professionally but not planning to work. She headed straight for Mr. Lake's office.

He was sitting at his desk just putting down the phone when she knocked on the door.

"Come in Ms. Miller."

"Mr. Lake, I need a moment of your time please."

"Sure," he said though he sounded exasperated.

She approached his desk with confidence and sat down.

"Mr. Lake, I'm resigning from my position as your assistant."

He actually looked at her then. His face drew in a little as though he was trying to contain his anger with her. She figured he would be angry. But he had told her he'd hired her to help out due the return of his "son," a son who was no longer around.

"And why are you resigning Mr. Miller?" She had a sneaky feeling he knew she knew about Jeremy/Ryan. But she decided to be professional, at least one last time in this place, and not even mention that.

"I just don't think I'm cut out for the corporate world Mr. Lake. I'm much more comfortable with children. I'm thinking about applying with the school district. I'd like to work with children again."

"I understand," he said standing and facing the window again. "I appreciate this, Ms. Miller." She knew what he meant the minute he said it. He appreciated her not saying anything.

"If I may make a suggestion Mr. Lake, I think Jocelyn would be excellent as your assistant." He turned around and rubbed his chin.

"You do?"

"Yes sir, she knows this job better than anyone, she knows you, what you need. I think she'd be great. I strongly suggest you consider her." Chris didn't want to sound threatening in any way but they both knew he owed her for her silence.

"I will make an offer to her and we'll take it from there." He came around and sat in the chair beside her. "If you ever change your mind Ms. Miller and would like to come back, you just let me know."

"I will Mr. Lake, thank you." She stood then and left without saying another word. She went to her office and threw the very few personal things she'd brought in into her purse and made sure her computer was shut down. She walked back out to find Jocelyn sitting at her desk.

"What's up Chris?"

"I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" she asked with confusion.

"I resigned."

"What?" she asked with total shock across her face.

"Yeah, this just isn't for me. I told Mr. Lake I thought you would be great in that position."

"Really?" Jocelyn asked excitedly. Her mouth formed a huge smile showing her perfect teeth against her beautifully glossed lip.

"Of course. You'll probably do a much better job than I did, or could. Just remember, he likes to be reminded of how awesome he is," she said winking at her.

"Thanks Chris." She stood up and came around her desk and, to Chris' surprise, she hugged her.

"I'm probably going to wait tables at Waves until I find another job, if you want to come by and visit."


They hugged one last time and Chris felt good as they let go. She felt good as she rode the elevator down smiling, thankful for the lessons this short-lived corporate job had taught her.

When the doors opened there was a man approaching Phoebe's desk. At first she thought it was Ryan and her heart jumped a little. But she could tell by the way the man carried himself, the way he stood, that it wasn't Ryan.

She kept walking towards the front doors, not saying goodbye to Phoebe. She didn't feel bad about that either. And she beamed in an all too mischievous way as she heard the young man say, "Good morning, my name is JeremyLake, I'm here to see my father."


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