Chapter 6

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When everything had been thoroughly scrutinized (by Jeremy) and organized (by Chris) she proceeded to the copy room.  She ran everything the same for consistency purposes, and when it was all done she put them in folders and carried them into the conference room.

Jeremy was gone again, which she told herself was good, so she started laying out the smaller folders under the larger ones.

When she was done with that and satisfied with the way everything looked she went into her office to gather her things.  Before she shut down her computer she saw the clock read 8:14.  They had really hustled; she would have some time to visit with Tommy before she went home. 

Just as she was picking up her jacket Jeremy walked into her office.

"Thanks again Chris for all your help tonight," he said as he took the coat, sliding it delicately onto her arms.

"Well, you did most of it but, you're welcome just the same," she tried to contain her smile.

"Don't sell yourself short;" he said thrusting his hands in his pockets, moving back towards her door, "you're really...great."

"Thanks," she said clearing her throat nervously.  "Well I gotta go, I've gotta get up earlier tomorrow so I can get the pastries and juice.  They'll be here at 9:00?"  He nodded.  "All right, I'll be here by 8:30 so I can get everything set up with plenty of time to spare."


She walked towards the door and as she clicked off her lights he just barely moved to let her by.  She could feel his warmth as she passed and wanted nothing more than to throw him against the door and kiss him.  But she didn't, she wasn't that stupid.

By the time she got to her car her heart had slowed back to a non-heart-attack pace and her breathing had regulated.

God what that man did to her.  She wouldn't make it past thirty working there with him every day.  She could just see herself now, in an interview looking every bit of forty-five.  The person she's interviewing with asks her why she left her previous job and she would say, "I fell for my boss' son and it nearly killed me." 

The next thing she knew she was pulling into Waves wondering how she even got there.  She headed straight to the bar which was pretty packed.  She managed to find a seat to the far left.  Tommy gave her a wink while he made a terribly flirtatious girl something fruity and pink.  In mid pour he opened a beer and set it in front of her, rolling his eyes at the girl he was helping.  She talked incessantly at ninety miles per hour with a too-chipper voice which Chris knew was a turnoff for Tommy.

She desperately wanted to spare him and give the girl some friendly advice all in one fell swoop but she refrained.  The feel of the beer going down her throat and warming her stomach was intoxicating.  Just when she was starting to enjoy herself the girl who was sitting beside her got up to take her now available table and was instantly replaced by another.

"Hey, I know you," the girl said somewhat loose-lipped.  She had clearly had several drinks already and it was only 8:30. 

Chris gave her the best furrowed brow she could and took another sip.

"Yeah," the girl continued, "you were in here with Thomas eating lunch the other day."

"Oh, yeah," she said reluctantly setting her beer down.

"I'm Adrian," the girl said excitedly extending her hand.  Chris shook it unenthusiastically.

"Chris," she said casually.

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