Chapter 10

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Jocelyn left after that to wrap up her day just as Mr. Lake walked into her office.  The entire week she'd been working there he had never come into her office.  She'd only been in his a couple of times, all other contact had been over the phone or email.

"You got a minute Ms. Miller?  I know it's the end of the day."

"Yes sir," she said straightening in her chair.

He shut the door behind him and sat in one of the chairs.  Chris felt very apprehensive.  Did he know about Jeremy asking her out?  But she'd turned him down, that had to be a good thing right?  She tried to not get too worked up.  The last time she'd thought she was in trouble he'd told her she was a great assistant.

"There's something that I'm going to need your help with coming up very soon.  It's a very sensitive and confidential matter.  I don't want to worry you with any of the details just before the weekend.  Suffice it to say that Monday morning I would like for you to be in my office and ready to assist at 9:00.  Okay?"

"Yes sir," she repeated.  She tried to gage his mood, his eyes were squinting a little and his brow was creased.  This was the intense coldness she'd seen before, it was softer for sure.  But he still seemed wound tight about something.

"Ms. Miller," he said, his expression warming slightly, "I really appreciate that I can trust you.  Would you like to join Jeremy and me in my office for a brandy?"  His expression warmed again.

"Yes sir," she said again.

"Great," he said standing.  "You're welcome whenever you've wrapped everything up."

Jocelyn had warned her that he might invite her for a drink but she'd made it seem like it was only when she had to work late.  Maybe this was different because she was more of his assistant.  Either way, she was in no position to tell her boss no to a friendly invitation after the first week.  That had to be a good sign.

It was five on the dot when she turned off her computer.  She made a quick stop by the bathroom to make sure everything was still in place and then walked back down to Mr. Lake's office.  When she wrapped on the door she heard Jeremy's liquid-smooth voice say, "Come in."

She did and he beamed at her.  He already had a brandy glass in his hand.

"Just poured this," he said extending it towards her.  She walked over and took it from him. 

She was pretty sure she'd had brandy at some point in her drunken days of college but never anything this good.  She'd taken the liberty of Googling Martell L'Art and had found that it was a cognac, French and could easily cost over three grand.  That was a little intimidating considering that was close to three months rent.  She hoped to God she didn't hate it.

Jeremy poured two more and picked up one.  He swirled it around in the glass and then took a sip.  She watched him intently, studying his every move.  Everything he did seemed to be smooth and effortless, even when he had awkwardly asked her out he'd still managed to do it in the most dashing and charismatic way possible.

"Have you had Martell before?"

"No," she admitted.  "I generally stick with beer."

"Me too," he said, which shocked her.  She had pictured him in here with his father enjoying this ridiculously expensive brandy and smoking Cubans.  "It's very smooth, try it, I think you'll like it."

She swirled her glass though she didn't know what purpose that served really.  Then she took a very small sip.  He was right, it was very smooth.  It didn't burn like some liquors, it floated into her mouth, down her throat and into her stomach warming her the whole way down.  She could get used to this.

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