Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

            There was a knock on Chris' door at 6:33.  She opened it handing the travel mugs to Tommy as she turned to lock the door.

            They walked out to the car, drove, walked out to the spot and sat down all without saying a word.  Words weren't needed.

            They watched the sunrise and Chris felt a growing lump in her throat but she didn't dare cry.  She sipped her coffee and swallowed hard.  Tommy just needed her there; he didn't need her tears or any inspirational words of survival or faith.

            The following Tuesday was the anniversary.  Two years exactly.  She knew the next nine days would get progressively harder as they had last year.  She wondered why he'd wanted to come out here so soon before.  Maybe he was ready, and if he was ready she sure as hell wasn't going to question him.

            The sunrise was absolutely beautiful.  There were some clouds in the sky which caused awesome reds, blue and purples to shine amongst the golden yellows.  It reminded her so much of that day. 

She felt one small tear trickle down the cheek Tommy couldn't see.  She wanted to wipe it, to make it go away but then it might catch his attention.  So she let it go.  It fell to her cheek and then slowed as it rounded her jaw.

She wanted to look at Tommy, to see how he was, maybe get a glimpse of what he was thinking, what he was feeling.

When the sun had escaped the clouds she turned to him, too anxious to stop herself.  To her surprise he was smiling through multiple tears.  When he saw her looking at him he smiled wider but didn't wipe them away.  She didn't either.

"Thanks for coming out here with me Chris," he said in a weak voice.

"You're welcome."

"Wanna come back to my place?  I can make eggs Benedict."


            The smell filled up the small apartment comfortingly.  Chris had, as usual, started cleaning and doing laundry while he cooked.  Tommy was her best friend and she loved him but he was still a slob.  She'd told him many times that he needed a woman to keep him in check and he'd told her that's what he had her for.

            She didn't even mention it anymore, she just started working.

            When they'd finished eating he seemed to be pretty good.  He had been quiet all morning which was fine with her.  She was worried that talking about it could be bad.  But he seemed to be back to his usual self which she realized when he asked her about Jeremy.

            "So who is this Jeremy?" he asked as they were relaxing on the couch after they'd cleaned up the kitchen.

            "He's my boss' son."


            "And my coworker?"


            "And that's it," she tried to say calmly.  That was the truth.  That was all she'd allowed him to be.

            "He digs you," Tommy said stretching out on his sofa.  They taken they're usual lounging position.  Chris sat in the corner of his sectional, legs stretched out over the short part with Tommy lying, his head on her lap, over the long part.

            "Did he tell you?"

            "Nope, didn't have to," he said taking her hand placing it on his head, that boy loved to have his head scratched, she obliged.

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