Chapter 8

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When she got back to her desk Elizabeth Klein was calling. She picked up and answered as professionally as she could.

Elizabeth turned out to be quite a talker. She had called she said to discuss the Wilson proposal, to get details about how everything had gone, if the other company had signed and forwarded their paperwork. Chris gave the information she had which wasn't much, just that Jeremy had indicated they were very pleased with the proposal and ready to go forward.

After they had exhausted that subject Elizabeth began yammering on about God knows what else. Politics, religion, Mr. Lake, Mr. Lake's wife who apparently loved tennis and tanning. Chris found herself working with the phone to her ear, throwing in an agreeable grunt every now and then.

Before she even realized it was 12:10, she'd been on the phone with Elizabeth for at least an hour and half. Jeremy walked in and started to leave when he saw her on the phone, but she waved him in and he sat down in front of her.

She cupped her hand over the bottom and whispered, "Elizabeth."

"Say no more," Jeremy said putting up his hands. He stood and walked over to the door. Then he yelled out, "Chris I need your help with something!"

She tried to suppress a giggle and said quickly, "Elizabeth, that's Mr. Lake, he needs some help with something, I'll call if you I hear anything further." Then she hung up. She wondered if Elizabeth was still talking, and if so, how long she would keep going before she realized Chris wasn't there.

"Thanks," she said feigning exhaustion.

"I should've warned you Elizabeth is long-winded," he said smiling and coming back to sit.

"Long-winded?" she said exaggerating the words. "That doesn't even come close. We've been on the phone since well before eleven."

"That's actually pretty good. One time my father was on with her from just after lunch until the end of the day. I hope you never get stuck on a conference call with her."

"Me too," she said smiling brightly at him. They held eyes for what felt like days. He lowered them and his golden skin brightened to a beautiful pink tone.

"You still up for lunch?" Inside she enjoyed his obvious struggle to stay casual.

"Sure, what do you want?"

He licked his lips once, almost setting Chris on fire, and then said, "There's a great sushi place within walking distance, The Rock Garden, have you been there?"

"Yeah," Chris said with enthusiasm. "I love sushi."

"Me too, you hungry now?"

"I'm always hungry," she said jokingly. Then the memory of her gorging from last night came rushing back and she could feel her chest warming.

He laughed warmly and stood. He walked around her desk and picked up her coat off the back of her chair and held out it for her to put her arms in.

He seemed to be quite the gentleman, he'd done this for her last night, he'd let her pass through her door first. He'd brought the food in, thrown everything away when they were done. He'd offered to carry a heavy box for her.

She couldn't help but wonder though if this was all an act, if he was buttering her up to get into her pants. Jocelyn's intense warnings came to the front of her mind. She decided at some point, certainly before anything happened between them, that she would have Jocelyn tell her what happened with them.

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