Chapter 17

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The rest of the day was impossibly long. She tried her best to focus on the Christmas stuff but Jeremy crept into her mind like a wild vine.

Somehow though she managed to create a spreadsheet of the names and addresses of people and businesses Mr. Lake wanted cards and/or gifts sent to. She forwarded it to him for his approval but heard nothing back. His door has been closed all day from what she could tell.

Though she didn't know why, she sensed that he was very nervous about the meeting tomorrow. She had felt a little of that from Jeremy as well. She still couldn't seem to understand what the big deal was. Jeremy was Mr. Lake's son, wasn't he an obvious choice to inherit ownership of the company? She decided, depending on how the evening went, she might ask him about that tonight.

She got a sudden chill through her body as she thought about tonight and the possibilities it held. Before her imagination could run too wild Jocelyn came to sit in front of her at 4:55. She couldn't help but think that was a very intentional move on her part.

"So, what do you have going on tonight?" she asked too casually.

"Cooking dinner and hanging out," she said feeling a little guilty about stretching the truth.

"I think Phoebe and I might go to Waves again for dinner. Wanna come?"

The thought of going anywhere with Phoebe wasn't the most appealing to Chris and she was glad she had an excuse.

"Thanks but my dad and I are supposed to go there sometime soon so I'll pass. Maybe next time."

Jocelyn pursed her lips but forced a smile anyway. "Let's walk out together today. You ready to go?"

Jocelyn was good. Damn good. Chris knew without a doubt now what she was up to. She didn't want Jeremy to have the opportunity to walk her out; she was hogging her time so he couldn't have any with her. Damn she was good.

She nodded and turned off her computer. She figured Jocelyn would head to her desk and start wrapping things up but she stuck to her like glue while she put her coat on and took her purse. She walked by her side all the way to her desk.

Her stuff was already neatly sitting her chair; she grabbed it quickly as Chris hit the elevator button. Damn she was good.

She didn't have any doubts that Jeremy would show up for dinner, but it would've been nice to at least verify that he could still come over.

"So, how was lunch with Jeremy?" Jocelyn asked in the elevator.

"Fine," she said smoothly, hoping to leave it at that.

"You two seem to be spending a lot of time together."

"It's not a big deal."

"Are you sure?" she asked as the doors opened.

Phoebe, conveniently enough, was coming around her desk as well. She came up to Jocelyn's side as they continued to walk out of the building.

Chris chose to not answer Jocelyn's question and thankfully the Bunny sisters began spreading some gossip and got distracted. She waved a grateful goodbye to them as she got in her car.

When she got home she tried to remain calm, she really did, but she failed miserably. Her apartment was pretty clean but she still scrubbed every surface she had time to get to. She changed her sheets as well, telling herself that it was only because it had been quite some time since she had done that.

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