Chapter 5: Alone Together

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The exams ended quite frustrating. Rosé's peers ended up cursing the entire school for only having limited time to finish their final exams while those who didn't even move a single finger during the exams didn't even bother to complain. Fortunately, she had finished hers five minutes before the professor declared the exams done and for good. Walking out of the building, she had heard her peers blabbering about how difficult the course is and Rosé couldn't blame them, Business Studies is no doubt a difficult course— Every course is. If it were easy, then everyone should be having no trouble with it.

She walked along through the wide path that made its way to the large gates of the university while the others walked up the opposite direction to look for a place somewhere in the campus to chill like how they always would and like how Rosé will never get the chance to join them for not being cool enough. Half of the pathway were covered in snow, her eyes dragged itself onto the bare trees enduring the coldness of winter then she looked up at the sky to see how beautiful the sky looked with its usual gray clouds that will make snowflakes fall any time soon.

She has never admired winter as much as this.

"Look who's enjoying herself."

Rosé turned to the man who talked and found herself glaring at the sight of her cousin smirking. She groaned in frustration then jokingly stated how her day eventually got ruined just by noticing his presence. "Eh? Don't you miss me?" he asked with a tone of disbelief as his eyes widened and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Of course not! I thought you'll be staying in Busan forever and now you're here before me!"

"I didn't want to see you, Park Chaeyoung."

"Likewise, Park Jimin," she replied, imitating his current posture with the arms crossed and she tried so hard to copy the face he made. The latter shoved his hands into his pocket, his expression suddenly changed into something rare for Rosé to see from a goofy person like him. He was acting so serious all of a sudden and she didn't like where it was going. She had come to a thought that Jimin would always come to her whenever he's heard about her doing no good, then after him, her sister, Alice would fly over to Korea from New Zealand like the last time she had done something massive.

"I received a call from Jennie—"

"Ugh," Rosé murmured and turned her back against the latter, proceeding to walk as he followed her.

"What are you even thinking, Park Chaeyoung? Spending time with a delinquent who's entirely involved with Korea's problem with active revolutions? Listen, if he's no longer acts sane in front of you, he and his pitiful gang could be written in Korea's history for causing multiple destructions in Seoul— Probably the whole world if they gain more advantage."

"He's not like that!" Rosé snapped as she stopped walking. She turned to him again with her fists clenched, wanting to punch him for talking such non-sense to her.

"And how do you know that?" he asked which made her silenced. "Jennie wouldn't call me, concerned of how comfortable you seemed to be with him if she doesn't know more about how dangerous those gangs are than anyone— Oh for fuck's sake, they're no longer just gangs causing public misbehaviors. They're causing multiple people's death whenever they have the chance to strike and just to inform you: he's one of them!"

"And why would you believe someone who couldn't even spit out a single detail from her past?" Rosé retorted, aware of Jennie's presence behind her beloved cousin. Her eyes shifted onto hers. "Do you want to know why she couldn't? It's because she's afraid of the truth and people like her end up lying because of it.

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