Chapter 15: Half of the Horrid Truth

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        THE MEDICAL RESEARCH papers were perfectly stacked on the glass desk, beside the important sheets was a monitor that flashed one of the many articles opened, all regarding mental health. A swivel chair was left empty, it's usual occupant had stood up in absolute frustration, simultaneously and figuratively drowning in disappointment.

A certain biologist sighed, shutting her eyes close as she excruciatingly rubbed her temples, "Fuck this."

Again, she fluttered her eyes wide open, then from a distance, scanned her study until she had finally admitted she wasn't doing anything gradual at all. It's already five in the morning, and even with the gloomy season, the sun could already be seen soaring from the other side of the vast sea, effortlessly tainting the cloudy skies with apricot hues.

Devastated would be an understatement, she's been annoyed with herself ever since she had begun to study. It's a doctor's fear, she must say: the impotence to comprehend a single thing!

Of all times to encounter a mental block?

At first, she somehow managed to blame how she's not used to the place. Her work area right now is severely different from the one she had back in their peaceful dorm. But as time horribly went by, she just shoved that stupid idea off and had been torturing herself with self-pity since then.

Lalisa Manoban, a gifted surgeon they'd say. Graduated with a masters degree in Biochemistry at the age of 17, and worked for the Korean and Thai Government, both at the same time. Quite a clumsy young lady, however in operations, she is praised for her precision. Those kinds of situations are sort of like flicking a switch on, and right after her job, she's back to being childish. Lisa had always been confident about it, but now, she's just not so sure anymore.

Maybe it's only mere luck.

Now's not the time for this, she told herself. Lisa shook her head, attempting to break her thoughts off herself.

The clicks of her high heels echoed throughout her entire suite as her feet dragged itself back to the desk. Her eyes squinting as she passed by the delicate rays of sunlight illuminates half of her suite, while the other half is sealed with the thick black velvet curtains. Grabbing her seventh mug of hot coffee, she sipped from it until the very last drop. Not even bothering to pause.

She puts her mug down, swallowing the last dose of energy she had left as she completely ignored the burning course in her throat. She then slides back into her seat, pulling out the first drawer attached on the table as it revealed a code-protected box.

Upon the sight of it again, her heart raced from the unwilling prickle of apprehension. What's inside has always been an impeccable epitome of bad luck. In any other way to relate it, this would be considered as heresy.

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