chapter Eighteen

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Duncan's Pov

I wrapped my arm protectively around travis's small body i wake up at night now i watch him i'm always tired a little in the morning but i have to be with him once we get out or not But if we do i might be thrown back in from killing the guard Jay for touching travis but i just need to make sure travis isn't their if i go all Crazy because i might put him back in the Basement i would never hurt him tho... But i want to make him feel like he is safe and thats what I've been doing since 2nd Grade.


"Hey wanna get that weirdo kid." I heard a kid say as someone was by his side and than another and they went over to travis and a blue haired girl. One took travis's gummies that he was eating, "Hey give them back." He retaliated and i marched over and was about to grab the gummies but i went to be by his side."Hey weirdo give travis the gummies back." He tried to punch me in the face as i seen the anger rise to his face but the impact hit my arm. The teacher walked over and this is exactly what i wanted.

I started fake crying "He took my friends gummies and when i asked him to give them back he punched me." I said to the teacher with tears rolling down my cheeks and a lot their was and the teacher snatched the gummies from the other child and handed them to me and she grabbed the child,"Ill be back class i'm taking Julian to the principle office." The teacher walking out quickly with him and i turned around and smiled and travis hugged me "Thank you for getting them back." He grabbed my arm and took me into the cubby hole hall and he look me to his backpack and he pulled out two band-aids and lifted my shirt and put them where the boy had punched me.

"Again thank you" Travis said so cutely and he kissed my cheek and i blushes and hugged him and he walked with me to lunch and played with me at recess.

-Flash back-

"Aww he zoned out." Travis said as he kissed me and i zoned in, "I bet you always kiss me when i'm sleeping" I said to him and he looked surprise that i zoned in so early he woke up pretty early he sat up and i say up with him he is so amazing to look at even his eyes are amazing and i know a lot about him and he kissed me again and blushed i've never gaven anyone so much emotion but he has seen every side of me and all i seen was him look so adorable.

saphire's Pov

I sat outside of Joey's door because Jen was in her room for that night and i heard not even a sound and i listened closely and i heard not even a peep its like those days he was crying didnt exist and its kinda funny to see things change because of the pup. I sneak back to my room and i sit their and i cant sleep i couldn't feel anything but tired i grabbed my adorable cat plushy and fell sleep.

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