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Is it bad that I can stare so deeply to the point where I can get lost in your eyes?

The creamy dark shade of brown covering the majority of your eyes, contrasting slightly to your pitch black pupil. How dots of a coffee tan smudge to create the perfect glint in your eyes. Sometimes if you're extremely happy, the tan slowly fades into a subtle white. And if you grin, you eyes disappear into small crescents.

Or maybe it's your features that intoxicate me.

How soft and peachy your skin is, it's color blended to perfection. Or how naturally pigmented your lips are how the deep shade of watermelon pink slowly spreads across your lips to change into a paler rose pink. The subtle colors of red are faded to perfectly blend into the array of colors. And when you smile, your lips provide a nice contrast to your pearly white teeth.

I guess it's like staring at a beautifully painted portrait. An artist with such skill spreading brush strokes of perfect detail across every feature of your face.

The painting is so beautiful that it leaves me entranced in its picture.

Yours Truly,

Captured By Beauty

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