the parade/accident

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Y/n pov
Me and Stan well and our parents walk down to the parade also picking up are cousin's that lives a block away their names, 1. Lola she is the only other female on dad's side of the family and we see her all the time and 2. Peter and as you can guess he and Peter (carpenter) are good friends and they are around the same age too, so I call Peter (carpenter): PC or Pete and Peter is well just Peter as we walk down the road Stan farther away from the others (also deep in thought) when I notice a car not any car a car with a drunk driver (can tell by the swerving) so close to Stan and you do the unexpected you run faster then you ever thought posible and push Stan out of the way snapping him back to reality as the car runs over your legs and a portion of your lower back you Yelp and your vision starts to get blurry and soon the black dots form in your eye sight you hear the faded sound of Stan screaming and small droplets of water crashing on you skin you hear foot steps as you try to ignore to horrible pain in your back so you can stay awake but you slowly drift in to a deep slumber.

Henry pov
As the parade forts, balloons and shafts roll across the street I start to get light headed but it soon subsides. I then hear the peircing yell of sirens that belong to a ambulance I wonder what could have happened.

1 months later...

Y.n pov

The sound of machines beeping and pumping is all I have heard for the past few days but today I feel a presence other then the average nurse or doctor I hear crying and mumbling when people say that when your in a comma you can hear the things going on around you you can not all the time but you can it's really intresting-

Hey a voice easy to recegnise(?)  Henry I hear what happened to you from stan... He blams what happened to you on himself whitch I total get but um what Peter you wanna talk uh ok

Hi y.n it's been awhile since we talked last *sniff* and I wanted to say hello so you will remember my voice when you wake up uh this is Peter by the way and I need you to get better fast every one misses you um Henry here needs you to wake up to we need you

That makes me break tears roll down my face (I don't know how) and people wash them away... I need to wake up people are giving up on me...

And that's what I did.

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