the plan

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Y.n pov
The light sound of spongebob talking to patrick star on the tv as susan explains to stan and well me too,  but i'm engrossed in the spongebob show it was the newest. She explains that she got everything yesterday and is going to try to get his signature so she can forge it. She said it was very risqué(?) And she had to avoid camras, get a gun and she lost her job due to having so much money in the bank accounts. I remember peter telling me about the time some kid stole henrys medal that peter had on him, the kid broke it christina gave him one of her dancing ones. Then peter was upset with henry,  so henry created a invention with fake snow,  two plunger and a fan.he said it was amazing... Well before susans friend came in. the talent show it really soon though so she still has to work out some of the flaws (if there even is any) the show was in exactly 2 chapters cough i-i mean days yea days. But yeah short chapter I MEAN...DAY-PART THING?!?

ps. Sorry if it seems like in speeding through the story line btw there will be a chapter after the school talent show for the events before IT and catching up with the storyline. I dont know if theses two dates in history line up but whatever btw (for the 1 billionth time)
The book of henry and tbe story of IT are in the same time line in this branch of story.

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