Part 2

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Here she is

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Here she is.  She isn't who you think.  This girl is a cheating, lying, slut.  She shouldn't be worth anything.  Anyone with decency, please unsubscribe her and unfollow her on everything.  She cheated on David and we caught her.  Me, CarlyIncontro, ShaneDawson, and more (who wanted to remain nameless but will still stay away from her).  She will tell you that she hasn't but she has.  I wish I didn't have to say this about someone who was once my best friend.  I won't always defend my best-friend.  I'll defend who's right.  And in this case, My best-friend was wrong.  So wrong.  Because we've caught it happen before.  But she insisted it was a mistake and she was drunk and it would never happen again but it did.  

Posted by: @ GabbieHanna

Liza's POV:

So this is what David had been referring to. 

*an hour earlier*
"What the hell babe?!" David stormed into my apartment, yelling
"What?" I said, confused
"You fucking know damn well what I'm talking about" he said
"No I don't.  I haven't done anything to deserve this" I said
"Yes, you do.  You cheated on me" David said, tears in his eyes
"Do you mean Scott's vlog? Babe, you know Kriza is not actually like, a thing, right?"
"No, slut, I don't mean his vlog. " He said

"Babe, I would never cheat on you.  Never.  Not in a million years. I-" 
"so in a million and one, you would?"
"David no! I would NEVER!! I am so so so sorry you think I did.  I can tell you're hurt.  David, when you're famous, people will start rumors.  Untrue ones.  Like you being gay.  They tell these dumb rumors that just aren't true and I'm sorry" I said
"Your best friend doesn't make up rumors like that" He said
"What?" I asked
"We're done, Liza.  For good"
"DAVID," but he left before I could stop him.  He left.  I sat on the ground, sobbing.  

*Back to the present*

I texted David

L: I just saw the post.  It's a lie babe, I swear.  I swear to you, it is a lie.  I wouldn't.  Gabbie and I got in a big fight because she said I was 'stealing' you from her and I guess this is her repaying me.  I don't know what you want me to say.  I swear on my life that I didn't do that
D: Oh, you swear on your life? Well, Lying slut, then I think you better die.  Oh, and, *blocked*

I sobbed for such a long time, not knowing what to do.  I texted Gabbie next

L: Gabbie, how could you?  I'm sorry I made you feel like David wasn't your friend anymore.  You're one of my two best friends! But why on Earth would you lie like this?
G: Listen, Liza.  I can't say too much bc you'll just save it or screenshot it or something dumb like that.  And even though I didn't do it, you'll make whatever I say seem like I posted something mean about you and I didn't
L: hmmmm...............thanks
G:what do you mean?
G: Liza, what the hell do you mean?!

L: oh, and, *blocked*

I read the comments on her post.  They made me cry so effing hard

"I knew she was a slut"
"I unfollowed her"

"I've disliked 15 of her videos, more to come"
"I've alerted everyone I know"
"Can't believe she did this.  I unadded her"
"She's so stupid.  She is losing many followers, therefore losing much money, therefore losing her life.  She's wasting the little money she has left.  She might as well die"

Only, I replied to the last one.  My reply said 

"I didn't do this, I promise.  Gabbie and I are in a fight and this was payback.  The situation is unfortunate and I wish it hadn't happened.  I am kinda stupid, I'll admit.  I should die, yeah.  I wish I was dead, definitely, but there are people who love me and I can't do that to them.  And also, I might be stupid, but I don't let one little mean thing said by someone else let me decide how I think of a person forever"

They replied almost immediately 
"So the dumb bitch speaks"

I reported them and called Kristen

"Hey Kristen"

"Hey Liza" 
"Have you heard the news"

"I'm actually on my over to your place, knowing you're crying about this right now"
"Can....can....can we...."
"Cuddle, of course"

"Thanks Kristen"
"I'll be there in a few"

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